
High block system

Playing in a high block consists of positioning yourself with a high line, making the field smaller and closing spaces for the rival, making it difficult to possess the ball. Generally playing with the high block, it tends to go hand in hand with a pressure style that starts from the opposite area, since it requires all players to step forward and reduce the chances of the opponent.

Defensive systems

Within each game system there are different ways to attack your opponent and also to defend yourself against them, in this case we are going to focus on the defensive system that your team can use depending on the style of play of the team and its players.

How do you manage the break talks?

The talks during the break are decisive since they are a turning point within the match. Do you know how to manage them?

What is the third man?

The third man is of vital importance when it comes to overcoming pressure situations with which we generate a superiority of players, with the aim of advancing positions and that the play can continue its course.