
What is your opinion of 4-2-3-1?

In soccer, a great diversity of formations or structural systems are used that will define our game and our intentions when facing a match. Find out everything you need to know about the 4-2-3-1 formation.

Do you know how to analyze matches?

Scouting is the process that allows us to: Analyze players and determine characteristics to select them for our club, in addition to analyzing our own players within a match and training, to extract information from any of the player's structures and thus enhance their performance. You can also see the tactical functions performed by the team both in the offensive phase and in the defensive phase.

Do you think that the mental aspect is important for a soccer player?

Every player must have a good physical preparation, but they must also have a mental preparation since this is key for the player's performance to be optimal on the field of play.


Perform a match observation well

The correct performance of a match observation is one of the key aspects that every coach must have mastered. Discover in this blog the factors you should pay attention to in order to make a good match observation.