
Exercises for base soccer training

To know how to manage them as tactics or other futsal concepts of a more advanced level, it is necessary to practice the basics. Discover different exercises here to practice in base soccer training.

What do you consider most important in a centre-forward?

This player is located in the opponent's area, constantly looking for gaps and paying attention to the passes of his teammates to find a way to score a goal. He must have a great aim and have excellent reflexes, standing out in the air and in his powerful shot.

Despite the fact that football is a sport in which you play 11 against 11, the position of the striker is one of the most important due to his role in scoring goals, after all, matches are won by scoring more goals than the rival and in that case the good strikers are the ones who make the difference.

Which is more efficient, the zonal defense or the individual defense in set pieces?

When it comes to defending set pieces, we can defend in two different ways. Through zonal defense or individual defense. But which is more efficient? Discover the answer here.

Importance of the goalkeeper in the development of the game

The goalkeeper is the most delayed player and one of those who has the most responsibility. This has as main function, to intercept protecting his goal, preventing the rival from scoring a goal.

No part or phase of the game is more important than another. They are all equally relevant, but if I had to highlight one above the others, this would be the start of the game in the initiation zone, that is, the ball coming out from the goalkeeper.