
What do you consider most important in an interior?

In this article we will show you what is the most important quality that the interior must have in the team.

Tactical Analysis Soccer Matches

The tactical analysis in soccer matches is based on making an exhaustive observation about our team or the rival, analyzing those aspects that interest us for our team. You can perform this analysis on your own team or also on the rival team, this can be done collectively or individually depending on the purpose of the analysis.

How to work depth in football?

We show you an exercise to do in training with the aim of working on depth through breakouts.

What is the middle block?

What does it mean to defend in a middle block, it means that we give the rival the initiative when it comes to leaving the ball so that they can generate that superiority and that they can leave that first line more easily and it means placing our team between the zone of progression or start and the opponent's finishing zone.