
Factors that influence decision making in soccer

Factors that influence decision -making in football, and how players, coaches and referees can learn to make effective and precise decisions. They are discussed Six factors Main that influence decision making: knowledge of the game, tactics of the team, communication, physical and mental condition, individual skill and experience.

The importance of the understanding of the game, effective communication and experience In informed and effective decision making in the field.

The importance of psychological work with the coach in football

This article discusses the importance of psychological work in sport and how sports coaches and psychologists can work together to improve athletes's performance. Psychological work is fundamental because sports are a mixture of emotions and thoughts, and athletes need to be prepared to handle these emotions and thoughts in the right way. Sports psychologists work to help athletes develop psychological skills, while coaches play a key role in helping athletes develop these skills. Sports coaches and psychologists can work together in various ways to help athletes develop psychological skills and improve their sports performance. Psychological work can improve sports performance in several ways, such as helping athletes develop skills such as concentration, relaxation and anxiety control, establish realistic objectives and improve athletes' confidence.


This article describes the importance of soccer training and the key aspects to consider when programming training. The importance of adapting training according to the phase of the season, the age and level of skill of the players, the variety in training, the specific objectives of the team and recovery is emphasized. It is also explained that adequate training programming can improve the individual and collective performance of the team, which can have a significant impact on the success of the team in the field.

The coach's post-part talk: key to analysis and motivation in football

In summary, the coach's talk after the game in football is a key opportunity to provide feedback to the players, motivate and prepare them for the next game. It is important that the talk is done immediately after the game in a quiet and respectful atmosphere. The coach must be well prepared, have carefully observed the game and taken notes on the strengths and areas that need improvement. The content of the talk must include the recognition of the team's strengths, the identification of the areas that need improvement, the discussion of specific problems and the establishment of goals for the next game.