What is the soccer position game? The tactical strategy to dominate the field

The position game in football is a term that has been popularized In recent years thanks to the success of teams such as FC Barcelona of Guardiola and Bayern Munich of Heynckes. Although the concept of position game has existed for decades, it was Pep Guardiola who led him to its maximum expression in the playing field and made it famous worldwide.

In this article we will deepen what the position game is in football, how does it work And what are your advantages and Disadvantages.

What is the soccer position game?

The soccer position game refers to a game style in which the team that has the possession of the ball constantly seeks to create spaces to play and progress towards the opposite goal, through a series of movements and combinations.

Instead of depending on individualities to create goal opportunities, the position game is based on teamwork and the ability of players to read and understand the game of their classmates.

The objective of the position game is to control the rhythm of the game and constantly create situations of numerical superiority in different areas of the playing field, which gives the team that has the ball the ability to master the game and control its times.

How does the football game work?

The position game is based on a series of principles that guide the behavior of the players within the field. Next, we will explain the main principles of the position game:

  1. The positioning of the team: The team is organized on the playing field in a specific way to maximize the possibilities of progressing on the pitch. Normally, the team is organized in a tactical scheme that favors the possession of the ball, with players distributed throughout the playing field, which allows them to receive the ball in different areas.
  2. The possession of the ball: The main objective of the position game is to maintain the possession of the ball during as long as possible, which allows the team to control the rhythm of the game and prevent the rival team from having the ball. The possession of the ball also allows the team to have control of the game and create a sense of security and confidence in the players.
  3. Players movements: The players of the team that has the ball constantly move on the field, seeking to create spaces and opportunities to play. Players can change position between them, or move to open space and receive the ball in free areas.
  4. The creation of numerical superiority: The position game is based on the constant creation of situations of numerical superiority in different areas of the playing field. This is achieved through coordinated movements and a good reading of the game, which allows the team that has the ball to have an advantage over the rival team.
  5. Team attack: The team attack is one of the fundamental principles of the position game. Players combine with each other to create goal opportunities and take advantage of numerical superiority situations. The goal is to create goal situations and not depend on the individual skill of a player
  6. Team defense: As in the attack, the team defense is fundamental in the position game. The team that has the ball presses in a coordinated way to recover the ball as soon as possible and prevent the rival team from having the possibility of creating goal opportunities.
  7. The importance of the pass: The pass is one of the most important tools in the position game. The team that has the ball constantly seeks the safe and precise pass, which allows it to maintain the possession of the ball and advance on the pitch.
  8. Patience: The position game requires patience on the part of the team that has the ball. Sometimes, it is necessary to go back the ball to advance, and it is important not to fall into the temptation to throw long and risky passes that can give the ball to the rival team.

Advantages of the football game

The position game has several advantages, among which are:

  1. Party control: The team that uses the position game has control of the game's rhythm and can dictate the tempo.
  2. Greater efficacy in possession: The team that has the ball constantly seeks the safe and precise pass, which allows it to maintain the possession of the ball and advance on the pitch.
  3. Concentration improvement: The position game requires a great concentration by the players, which allows them to always be attentive and ready to create goal opportunities.
  4. Opportunities creation: The position game allows the team that constantly believes situations of numerical superiority in different areas of the playing field, which gives it the ability to create goal opportunities.

Disadvantages of the football game

However, the position game also has some disadvantages, such as:

  1. Risk of loss of the ball: The position game requires a high level of skill and concentration by players, which means that there is a high risk of losing the ball in dangerous situations.
  2. Lack of creativity: Sometimes, the position game can limit the creativity of the players and make the team depend too much on predictable game patterns.
  3. Need for specific players:The position game requires specific players, with specific technical and tactical skills, which can make it difficult for some teams to implement it.


The soccer position game is a game style that is based on teamwork and the possession of the ball to create goal opportunities and control the rhythm of the game. Although it has some disadvantages, the position game is an effective strategy that has been used with great success by teams such as FC Barcelona and Bayern Munich in the past.

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