What diet to follow before soccer training?

This week at futbollab we want to tell you about the ideal way to feed yourself during the training week, either for yourself or to advise the members of your team, we are sure that you will get some useful advice.

The diet directly affects our performance, so we must be aware of the foods that are consumed during training and competition, since they will affect our performance in training and/or match.

Obviously, it is essential to eat a balanced diet, maintaining a good level of hydration in the system to avoid fatigue and promote good recovery. Therefore, a planned diet is the best solution and the greatest secret to being able to sustain high performance on the pitch throughout the 90 minutes of the game.


Not all players are the same! We have to be very clear that each player is a world so there is no single diet for the needs of all players.

Our players need to know what their individual nutritional goals are and what dietary strategy should be followed to reach those goals. In addition, the needs of each player change with the seasons, so players must be flexible to accommodate these circumstances.

As stated Philip of the Pascual Valley, head of nutrition Sevilla F.C., "You compete like you train and you play like you eat.".

The key is to receive the correct amount of energy to keep our bodies healthy and perform optimally. Absorbing excess energy will generate an increase in our body fat, but if we consume less than we should, it is likely that our performance will decline, which can lead to injuries and/or illnesses. Carbohydrates provide your muscles and brain with the fuel they need to cope with the stress of training and competition. It is important that we know what the foods are for each player, along with the amount they should eat and when to do it, in this way we can meet their carbohydrate needs.


If we want to optimize the results of our training and achieve a quick and better recovery of our footballers during and between exercises and other activities, we must take into account which foods are optimal for each case.

A well-selected diet offers many benefits to all athletes, some of them are:

  • Obtain and maintain an ideal weight and physical condition.
  • Confidence, since they will arrive well prepared for the match.
  • Get high performance in matches on a regular basis.
  • Reduce injuries and illnesses and the risk thereof.
  • Being able to make food an enjoyment as well, without the need for it to be a restriction. Mainly at social events.

The problem is that many coaches do not know what is the best diet for their players or do not take into account the diet, therefore, the players do not know these advantages either and never meet their nutritional goals, and in some cases not even establish them. This can cause some problems or difficulties, among the most common are:

  • Improper preparation of food and drinks, making a poor selection of ingredients and quantities.
  • Poor selection of products and food when shopping and especially when eating out.
  • Very busy lifestyle, which makes it difficult to consume appropriate foods.
  • Very frequent trips.
  • Low or outdated knowledge of sports nutrition.
  • Indiscriminate use of supplements and sports foods.

Bearing all this in mind What would a perfect meal look like?

NOTE: Remember that each player is different and unique, with different goals and different needs depending on the objective to be achieved, so before starting any diet, a review should be carried out with a nutritionist.

Here we bring you an example:

  • Incoming: Salad or soup.
  • First course: Lentils with rice and vegetables.
  • Second course: Baked salmon with potatoes with salad.
  • Dessert: Piece of fruit or a dairy product (yogurt/curd/rice pudding).
  • Bread: We recommend that the bread be whole grain or some unrefined cereal flour, as it will provide much more fiber than white bread.
  • Drink: the good and well-known water. But without abusing it, since drinking a lot of water at mealtime dilutes gastric juices and can slow down digestion, causing heaviness.

And you, do you pay the necessary attention to the nutrition of your footballers when training?

If you want to improve the performance of your team, don't hesitate

Access our master's degree in sports nutrition

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