Typology of tasks to prepare a football training

What games and exercises do you do with your team?To

Carles Fernandez With his short video, he explains to us the modes and types of game that exist and those that he applies with his team.

In the video below, he tells you in great detail the two types of tasks that are normally called, according to specificity and uniqueness.

Normally there are two types of tasks: according to specificity and according to singularity.

In the first we have three blocks: Corrective exercises, corrective games and soccer games, around which soccer training revolves.

Corrective Exercises are the most analytical exercises. We will make this type of exercise focus on repetition. In this case, we are not interested in the player thinking or analyzing the move, but in developing a mechanical and automatic response. Throughout this we will not have opposition or if we want to have it, it will be very passive.

In corrective games we will start looking for decision making by our player. As for the defense, we demand that it be much more active. We will have goals and we will focus the game on the goal.

Finally we have the Soccer Games. These are characterized because they are parties, whether they are conditioned or dismayed. We will put two goals with a goalkeeper in each one respectively, the objective is that this is as close as possible to a real match so that the players enter the situation and can apply it at the time of the match.

On the other hand, regarding the tasks characterized by their singularity, we will highlight the following six blocks:

  • Reduced conservations
  • Conservations
  • Position juices
  • Evolutions
  • Waves
  • The parties.

Do you want to know more in detail?

We invite you to watch the following video by Carles Fernàndez, an expert at Futbollab, to see in detail how all these techniques work, along with practical examples on how to work with your football team.

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