Transfers regulations of minor players

How the transfer of players in minors works


The transfer of minor players in football is regulated by FIFA and has certain requirements that must be met. Clubs cannot sign a minor player from another country unless his player and family move to the city where the new club is for reasons outside football. The parents or legal guardians of the player must give their consent and the club that is transferring the player must receive fair compensation for the training of the player. There are cases of transfers of minor players that have caused controversy and debate, in some cases for infractions to the regulations established by FIFA. In general, adequate surveillance and regulation are required to protect the rights of players and prevent people traffic.

The Players transfer minors is an issue Delicate and controversial In the world of football. In general, football clubs they can not transfer minor players (under 18) unless fulfill some requirements.

The FIFA establishes a series of Rules and regulations for protect to the players minors and prevent players traffic. According to these rules, clubs cannot sign a player younger from another country, unless the player and his family muden To the city where finds the new club for reasons outside football.

In addition, clubs must obtain the consent of the player's parents or guardians, and the club that is transferring The player must receive a compensation fair for the training of the player.

If a club infringe These rules can face sanctions, like a penalty fee or even the Prohibition of registering new players during one or more transfer periods.

Despite these rules, has been cases of Transfers of players minors They have caused controversy and debate. In some cases, lparents or guardians legal player have been accused to accept bribes To allow transfer, or Clubs have been accused of not complying with the regulations established by the FIFA.

Ultimately, the transfer of players minors It's a theme complex that requires one Surveillance and regulation adequate for protect the rights of the players and prevent the traffic of people.

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