Training the position game in football: strategies and advice

The position game is a football strategy that seeks to control the ball and space through possession, the mobility, the pressure and the balance. This philosophy has popularized In recent years thanks to coaches like Pep Guardiola, Marcelo Bielsa and Jürgen Klopp, Those who have shown that success in football not only depends on the individual talent of the players, but also of the collective understanding of the game. In this article, We will show you how to train the football game, From theory to practice, so you can implement this strategy in your team and take it to the next level.

Position game theory

He position game It is based on the idea that The team that has the possession of the ball has control of the game. To achieve this, It is necessary to work in three key aspects: The creation of spaces, mobility and pressure.

The Creation of spaces It refers to the Team capacity to open holes in rival defense through the movement of the players and the ball. To achieve this, It is recommended that players position themselves in triangles, So there is always a player available to receive the ball.

The mobility is he Second key aspect of the position gamen. It refers to the Team capacity to move with and without ball, In order to find spaces and create pass options. To achieve this, Players must have a clear understanding of the movements they must make based on the game context.

The pressure is he Third key aspect of the position game. It refers to the Team capacity to press the opponent when he doesn't have the ball, con the purpose of recovering it as close as possible to the rival area. To achieve this, Players must work as a team, closing the spaces and forcing the rival to make mistakes.

Position game practice

Once the position game theory has been understood, it is necessary to implement it in practice. Next, we present some recommendations to train the soccer game.

1. Work in the possession of Balón

The first step to train the position game is to work on the possession of the ball. To achieve this, it is recommended to use exercises such as the Rondo, in which a group of players tries to maintain possession of the ball while others try to recover it. This exercise helps players improve their passage, reception and mobility.

2. Work in the movements without ball

The second step to train the position game is to work on the movements without ball. To achieve this, it is recommended to use exercises such as triangles work, in which three players form a triangle and work on support and uncheck movements to create spaces and pass options.

3. Work on pressure

The third step to train the position game is to work in the pressure. To achieve this, it is recommended to use exercises such as the recovery game, in which a group of players tries to recover the ball as close as possible to the rival area, while the other group tries to maintain the possession of the ball. This exercise helps players to improve their pressure, marking and recovery capacity of the ball.

4. Work in the defense/attack transition

The fourth step to train the position game is to work in the defense/attack transition. To achieve this, it is recommended to use exercises such as the counterattack game, in which a group of players defends and, once the ball is recovered, tries to create a goal opportunity in the shortest possible time. This exercise helps players improve their transition, speed and precision capacity in the pass.

5. Work on completion

The fifth step to train the position game is to work at the end. To achieve this, it is recommended to use exercises such as the completion game, in which a group of players tries to score a goal in a goal defended by another group of players. This exercise helps players improve their ability to definition, precision and creativity in the attack.


The position game is a football strategy that seeks to control the ball and space through possession, mobility, pressure and balance. To implement this strategy in your team, it is necessary to work in the possession of the ball, the movements without ball, the pressure, the defense-attack transition and the completion. With adequate training, you can improve the collective understanding of the game and take your team to the next level. Remember that success in football not only depends on the individual talent of the players, but also on the collective understanding of the game.

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