Tip #6 for Soccer Coaches

Yesterday we talked about the It was important to analyze the opponent against whom your team plays how to improve those same aspects in your own team.

We told you that dedicating all your time to analyzing the opponent against whom you play two games a year would stop you from making your players and teams improve in those same aspects that you analyzed about the opponent.

In short, we made you think that you should give more importance to the analysis of your team than to the opponent's, and we did it with arguments and also with simple mathematics.

You play two games a year against your opponent, but you play 38 games a year with your team and players……..Therefore…….

Should you prioritize the analysis aspects of your team with respect to the importance you give to those of the opposing team?

The Answer is Clear …………YESIIIIIIIII.

By pure logic it is easier to improve what you see every day than what you see twice a year.

So where is the real balance in this regard?

Well, it's in the logic.

And the logic is that you must decide how much time you dedicate to your team and you must decide which aspects of the real team analyzed give you ADDED VALUE and which can give you an advantage in the match.

And only those aspects will work on the contrary, to spend the rest of the time working for your team.

And we want you to think about it.

And here today's advice.

It will always be easier for you to see defects and virtues of what you see every day, than of the things you see only from time to time, therefore….you see your team every day, spend time analyzing it to make it stronger both individually and collectively.

Do you want to see Our Tip No. 7? Here you have it.

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All the best.

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