Tip #3 for Soccer Coaches

At Tip 2 We talked to you about the importance of observation and annotation of the important aspects that happened in a soccer game, but above all of the time invested in the observation, preparation, layout information in audiovisual formats.

Y Today we want to focus more on this aspect.

Y we want you to be realistic, that you are a person who analyzes the reality of this collection of information and the time invested in treating it.

And we want to transmit it to you from the tranquility and what happens daily in a lot of technicians who perform these functions.

Let's start with a coach who analyzes his rivals, and who spends week after week observing, recording the matches of the teams he is going to play.

He has his own method and seeks to have three games recorded of the opponent against whom he plays that week, therefore he has invested time in recording, time traveling, time viewing those games on television, time rewatching those games to get more information that he had in the first visualization, from there he has laid out a presentation, video cuts for the players and he has drawn his conclusions in relation to what that opposing team does…..

And until now, we have not transmitted it to our players, nor have we prepared planned training tasks to work on aspects that we have seen in that analysis of the opponent.

Therefore, more investment in time……..but BEWARE!!!


Well, our experience CLEARLY SAYS NO.

Yes, it is true that the more information, the better………..but there are many technicians who THEY DON'T KNOW HOW TO DETECT the importance of the most important thing that happens on a pitch, it is not a criticism, it is simply a reality

How important is the exit of the opponent's ball so that you can take advantage of yourself?

Do you really think that there are aspects such as the start of the opponent's game being decisive for you so that you have to give it that capital importance?

We could launch many questions of this type.

But you know what…?

That we have forgotten something, and here is today's advice.

Don't you think that we are giving too much importance to the illness of the opponent and we are letting ours advance?

……. Well, this is our advice, Take MORE care of the symptoms and "illnesses" of your team, and if you work on it, they will improve and surely be more efficient in the game.

Always looking at the other side... that's fine, but remember that “THE TREE DOES NOT LET YOU SEE THE FOREST IS A PROBLEM”

Tomorrow more tips.

Do you want to see Our Tip No. 4? Here you have it.

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All the best.

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