The types of bolts stopped of corners most common in current football

In modern football, stopped ball plays are increasingly important. Corners are one of themost common situations in which goal opportunities can be generated, since they provide the opportunity to make a precise launch to the area so that players can finish off head or leg. In this article, we will explain the types of wealthy balls of corners most common in current football.

Short corner

This play is used when the team that has the corner He does not want to throw the ball directly to the area, but He prefers to make a short pass to a close teammate To try to create a goal opportunity through the passes game.

Long corner

This play is used when the team that has the corner wants launch the ball directly to the area with a long passOr, with the intention that one of its players auction or leg.

Corner to first stick

This play implies that the player throwing the corner direct the ball to the first post of the area, with the intention that a teammate auction the head ball.

Corner to the second stick:

In this play, the player who launches the corner direct the ball towards the second post of the area, with the intention that a teammate auction the head ball.

Corner to the center of the area

In this play, the player who launches the corner direct the ball to the center of the area, with the intention that a teammate auction the head or leg ball.

Indirect corner

This play implies that The ball must be touched by a teammate before you can be finished in goal. The player who throws the corner must touch the ball to a teammate who is in the area before it can be topped.

Direct corner

This play implies that The player who launches the corner can finish directly to goal, without the need for the ball to be touched by a teammate before.

Short and round corner

This play implies that the player who launches the corner performs a Short to a nearby teammate, who then returns the ball to the pitcher, who then performs a second launch to the area.

Corner to the small area

In this play, the player who Throw the corner directs the ball to the area near the goalkeeper, with the intention that a teammate can finish off the head or leg ball.

Corner on the edge of the area

In this play, the player who Throw the corner directs the ball to the area near the edge of the area, with the intention that a teammate can finish off the head or leg ball from a favorable position.

Blocking action

This play is also known as "pick", and is that One or more players are placed in front of the opposite defenders to prevent them from going out to dispute the ball. In this way, a free space so that the player who performs the corner kick can place the ball in the area without opposition.

Distraction play

This action seeks Confuse the opposite defenders through movements prior to the execution of the corner kick. For example, you can simulate a short release to attract defenders to the area near the area, and then make a long release to surprise the rivals.


In this action, the player who performs the corner kick Search the opposite goal directly. This play is very risky, since if the ball does not enter the goal, the opposite team recovers the ball and has a good counterattack opportunity.

Played play

This is one of the most used actions in modern football. It consists of one Playing previously rehearsed in training, in which players have specific roles assigned to take advantage of the weaknesses of the opposite defense.

Double corner kick

This action consists in making two consecutive corner serves from the same side of the field. The first corner kick can be used to generate a goal opportunity, while the second is used to confuse the opposite defense.

Play in two times

This action consists of Make a first short corner serve, which is returned to the player who performs the corner kick, and then make a second long corner serve to the area. This play may surprise the opposite defense and generate a good goal opportunity.

In conclusion, ball plays stopped in the corners are an important part of the football game, and there is a Variety of types of actions that can be used to take advantage of these opportunities. From the execution of the corner itself to the strategies for the arrival of the players to the area, each team has their own way of addressing these situations and making the most of the opportunities they present.

The choice of the type of action to be used will depend largely on the style of the team and the way in which the opponent defends in the ball plays. It is important that players know how to execute these plays well and are prepared to adapt to any situation that arises during the game.

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