The transitional period in football What should we take into account at the break?

The transition period is the time between when the season ends and the time before we start preparing for the next one. The famous and well known off-season, is that time of physical and mental rest, fundamental for our team.

But, even so, we cannot, or rather… we must not stop training since the physical load that awaits us in preparation for the following season is going to leave us exhausted if we do not maintain a few minimums.

But how do we do this on our break? We tell you what you have to take into account so as not to sacrifice physical fitness during the preseason.

Take care of food

Despite taking a "vacation" from the season and high-performance competitions, it is recommended to take care of our diet with great caution, we do not want to gain weight and lose physical shape by neglecting our diet for a long period, since recovering the state physical then it will cost us much more.

You also have to control the level of alcohol consumption and other substances that can have negative effects. we leave you this blog about food so you can see in detail the subject of diets in football.

Sleep, a fundamental factor in all rest

We must bear in mind that the body gets very quickly unaccustomed to the correct habits and quickly adapts to new ones. It is not convenient to go to sleep much later than what is common for the body, in our day to day, seasonal rest in between or not, it is essential to be able to maintain our sleep routines as much as possible. Why? Simple! If we neglect it, it will take its toll on us when we start training and it will cost us more to recover the rhythm.

Maintain exercise routines

Total passive rest is an error that leads to a decrease in the athlete's physical abilities and the loss of the gains obtained in the last months of competition, which later on will make it very difficult to regain optimal fitness to perform. .

The recommendation at this point is to try to maintain the same total volume of the race (10km-12km) depending on the position. In addition, it is vital to work on resistance moderately and increase the intensity and specificity of the exercises as the preseason approaches so that we are not caught off guard.

Already reaching the end of the transitory period we can start with a continuous training, improving the anaerobic threshold speed.

Remember! Resting is important and enjoying rest even more, but during that time the body should not be neglected since recovering the routine later will cost us twice as much and getting in shape for the season even more.

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