The secret behind the success of FC Barcelona: the innovative approach of its quarry

He Barcelona Soccer Club, also know as Barça, is one of the clubs more successful in Europe and the world. One of the pillars of its success is the quarry, the training system of young players that some of the most talented players have produced and recognized from the world. In this article, we will explore how FC Barcelona's quarry works, its history, its philosophy and the methods it uses to train the Ffuture football talents.

The story of the FC Barcelona quarry

He quarry system of the FC Barcelona has a long and rich history. In the 50, The club began to Promote the formation of young players. It was in 1979 when the Masia was established, The residence for young club players. Since then, the Masia has become an integral part of FC Barcelona, And some of the players have produced more successful in the club and the world.

The philosophy of the quarry of FC Barcelona

The philosophy of the quarry of FC Barcelona It is based on two fundamental principles: The "position game" and "style identity". The position game refers to the ability to maintain the possession of the ball and control the game through a precise distribution and a constant movement. Style identity refers to a style of recognizable game, that is based on the creativity, technique and game vision.

The FC Barcelona quarry believes that To succeed in the playing field, players must develop these skills from a early age. Therefore, the formation of Young players HE focuses on the position game and style identity. The coaches of the FC Barcelona quarry They use a variety of techniques and methods To develop these skills in Young players.

Methods used in the FC Barcelona quarry

The main method used in the quarry of the FC Barcelona is the "Barça Methodology". This method is based on the position game and style identity, And he focuses on developing technique, tactics, physics and psychology of young players. The Methodology is divided into three main areas: Individual technique, collective game and team game.

The Individual technique It focuses on developing basic technical skills such as ball control, pass, dribbling and shot. FC Barcelona quarry trainers use a Variety of exercises and games to develop these skills in young players.

He Collective game it focuses on Develop tactical and technical skills in a simulated game environment. Trainers use exercises and games that mimic real play situations to help young players develop skills such as decision making, the ball without ball and the team game.

He Team play it focuses on Develop psychological and physical skills in a real play environment. FC Barcelona quarry trainers use matches and tournaments to help young players develop their Ability to work as a team, control the pressure and face difficult situations.

Besides the Barça Methodology, the FC Barcelona quarry also focuses on the integral development of young players. Coaches work closely collaboration with parents and tutors to ensure that young players are receiving an eadequate education and are maintaining a balance between football and other aspects of their lives.

The FC Barcelona quarry It also focuses on the promotion of values ​​such as honesty, respect and discipline. The coaches work to ensure that young players understand the importance of these values ​​in the playing field and in life.

Results of the FC Barcelona quarry

The FC Barcelona quarry Some of the players have produced more successful and recognized in the world of football. Among them are Lionel Messi, Andrés Iniesta, Xavi, Sergio Busquets, Gerard Piqué and Carles Puyol, All of them key players in the Club success in the last decade.

Besides, the FC Barcelona quarryhas been recognized as one of the best in the world. In 2010, FIFA gave FC Barcelona the title of "Best World Football Club" In recognition of your I work in the quarry.


In conclusion, the FC Barcelona quarry It is an example of how a club can use a game philosophy and a training methodology focused on the integral formation of young players To produce talents of world class. The combination of the Barça methodology, of the approach to the integral development of the players and the promotion of values ​​such as honesty and respect has given rise to a unprecedented success both in the field of play and outside it. Without a doubt, the quarry FC Barcelona It will continue to be a model to follow for clubs around the world who wish Train future football talents.

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