The innovative approach of the RCD Espanyol quarry: building a promising future in football

Soccer is a sport that requires not only requires technical skills, but also values ​​and attitudes that must be cultivated from an early age. That is why the quarry of a sports club is a key piece in the training of future football professionals. In the case of RCD Espanyol, its quarry is one of the fundamental pillars of its sports structure and social, which has allowed him to be one of the most prominent clubs of the Spanish League and European level.

In this article, we will analyze How the RCD Espanyol quarry works And what are the Keys of his success. To do this, we will focus on its integral training model, which not only focuses on the technical development of the players, but also on their personal training and in the creation of an adequate environment for its growth.

An integral formation model

The integral training of young soccer players It's one of the Main objectives of the RCD Espanyol quarry. For this, the club has developed a training model that is based on three fundamental pillars: technical training, personal training and values ​​training.

The Technical training is the basis of sports development of the RCD Espanyol quarry. From the lower categories, club coaches work on improving the technical skills of young soccer players, with the aim of reaching their maximum potential in the future. To do this, the club has a own methodology that focuses on the Continuous improvement from players to Technical and tactical level.

The Personal formation It is another of the fundamental pillars of RCD Espanyol formation model. The quarry players not only learn football techniques and tactics, but also receive comprehensive training that allows them to grow as people and acquire skills and values ​​that will be useful in their future life. This personal training is He focuses on the development of skills such as responsibility, teamwork, discipline, motivation, perseverance and self -confidence.

The values ​​training It is the third fundamental pillar of the formation model of the RCD Espanyol. The club seeks to instill values ​​such as respect, tolerance, humility and solidarity among young soccer players, with the aim that these values They are part of his life and his way of understanding football. To do this, the club has specific programs that encourage coexistence, respect and education in values.

An adequate environment for growth

He environment in which young soccer players develop is key for its growth and training. He RCD Espanyol has created an adequate environment for the growth of their quarry players, which focuses on three fundamental aspects: training, competition and personal accompaniment.

As for continuous training, the RCD Espanyol has a highly qualified sports and technical structure, which is responsible for supervising and evaluating the work of coaches and players of the quarry. In addition, the club gives young soccer players the opportunity to Participate in specific training, summer campus and other training programs to continue improving its technical and tactical level.

The competition It is another key piece in the development of young soccer players. He RCD Espanyol seeks that their quarry teams compete at an adequate level for their age and technical level, with the objective that they can Develop your game in a competitive environment and face other teams in the same category. In addition, the club promotes the participation of its quarry teams in national and international tournaments, which allow them Gain experience and improve your game.

He Personal accompaniment It is the third fundamental aspect of the adequate environment for the Growth of the RCD Espanyol quarry players. The club has a team of professionals who Provides support and guidance to young soccer players in aspects such as time management, nutrition, health and emotional well -being. This personal accompaniment is key for players to develop in an integral way, Not only in the sports aspect, but also in staff.

Results and future projection

He integral work from the RCD Espanyol quarry has given its fruits over the years. The club has trained numerous players who have come to play in the most important leagues of Europe and in the Spanish National Team. Between the most outstanding players trained in the RCD Espanyol quarry, Names such as Raúl Tamudo, Dani Jarque, Sergio García, Marc Roca or Adrián Embarba, among others are found.

In addition, the RCD Espanyol quarry has been recognized several times as one of the best soccer quarries in Spain. In 2019, the Marcet Foundation, dedicated to the formation of soccer players, placed the quarry ofL RCD Espanyol in the fourth position in its ranking of the best soccer quarries in Spain.

The Future projection of the RCD Espanyol quarry is very positive. The club continues to work on the improvement of its integral training model, with the objective of continuing to form elite soccer players and contribute to the growth of Spanish football. In addition, the recent construction of the RCDE Stadium, the new stadium of the club, is an opportunity for the quarry players to play matches in a stadium of First category and experience the environment and pressure of an elite stadium.


In short, lA quarry from RCD Espanyol is a comprehensive formation model that focuses on the technical, personal and values ​​of young soccer players. The club has created an adequate environment for the growth of players, which focuses on teamwork, discipline, humility and dedication. The integral formation model of RCD Espanyol is an example to follow for other clubs, and has proven effective in the Formation of elite soccer players.

The RCD Espanyol quarry It is a quarry with a long career in the training of soccer players, and the club continues to work on the improvement of its training model. The highly qualified sports and technical structure, the appropriate competition for the level of the players and personal accompaniment are the Three fundamental pillars of this integral formation model.

He RCD Espanyol He has trained some of the most prominent players of Spanish and European football, and his quarry has been recognized several times as one of the best football quarries in Spain. The future projection of the RCD Espanyol quarry is very positive, and the club will continue working to maintain its position as one of the main elite soccer players in Spain.

In short, the Integral Training Model of the quarry of RCD Espanyol it's a example to follow for other clubs, and has proven to be Effective in the formation of elite soccer players. The approach to the technical, personal and values ​​of young soccer players, together with the highly qualified sports and technical structure, the right competition for the level of the players and personal accompaniment, are the pillars fundamental of this integral formation model. The RCD Espanyol quarry has been recognized several times as one of the best soccer quarries in Spain, and the future projection of the club's quarry is very positive.

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