The coach's preparation before the game: keys to victory in football

He soccer It is a sport that requires a Great preparation, both physical and mental. The coach is in charge of Lead the preparation of a party, in which the team must demonstrate its capacity on the court. In this article, it will be addressed How to prepare a football game for the coach, from the planning, the analysis of the rival, the strategy and the mentality of the players.


The planning It is one of the fundamental keys to prepare a football match. The coach must establish a training calendar so that your team can be in optimal conditions on the day of the game. It is important to take into account the players recovery times after the previous parties, as well as the injuries and sanctions that can affect the alignment of the equipment.

He coach You must also take into account Party objectives and how to work to get them. For example, if it is an important match in the fight for the championship, you must work in the Defense and at the counterattack, on the other hand, if it is a party against a weaker rival, you can focus on the ball control and high pressure.

Rival analysis

He Rival analysis It is one of the most important tasks that the coach must carry out before a game. The coach must analyze the rival's play style, his strengths and weaknesses, his tactical systems and individual characteristics of his players. This will allow the coach Develop a strategy to take advantage of the weaknesses of the rival and minimize their strengths.

It is important to keep in mind that the rival analysis is not only limited to the previous parties, but also to training and game patterns that the rival uses in different situations. The coach must always be attentive to the possible Variations of the rival during the party.


The strategy It is the plan that the Coach develops to achieve the goals of the party. This strategy will be based on the analysis of the rival and the strengths and weaknesses of the team. The strategy will include equipment alignment, substitutions, tactics and plays tested.

The equipment alignment It is one of the most important decisions that The coach must take. Must take into account the individual characteristics of each player and how they fit into the tactical system. You must also take into account the lesions and sanctions that may affect the alignment.

The tactics are decisions that the coach takes to get the Party objectives. Tactics may vary depending on the opponent and the conditions of the party. For example, you can opt for high pressure if it is known that the opponent has problems playing from behind.

The Tested moves They are an important part of the strategy. These plays can be corners, free throws, penalties or bands. The coach must ensure that Players know well The played moves and know how to execute them correctly during the game.

Players mentality

The players mentality It is a fundamental part in the preparation of a football match. The coach must ensure that players are in the best possible mental conditions for the game. This means that they must be motivated, concentrated and focused on the party.

The Motivation is key so that players give their best in the field. The coach must make sure the players are motivated for the party. This can be done through motivational talks, inspiring videos, among other things.

The concentration is important so that players are alert in the field. The coach must ensure that players are focused on the game and not in other external things. This can be done through concentration exercises before the party.

He Focus is key so that the players are in the right mentality for the game. The coach must ensure that players are focused on the goal of the game and do not get distracted with other things. This can be done through Talks focused on the game and the rival.


Preparing a football game requires a A lot of work and effort by the coach. The planning, the analysis of the rival, the strategy and the mentality of the players are fundamental aspects in the preparation of a football match.

He coach must be prepared to make important decisions in the field, including the alignment of the equipment, tactics and played plays. In addition, the coach must ensure that players are motivated, concentrated and focused on the game.

In short, the Preparation of a football match it's a complex process that requires one careful planning and a lot of work by the coach. However, with the adequate preparation, A team can be victorious in the field and reach your objectives.

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