Football is a very popular and competitive sport worldwide, and Training is an essential partof any successful soccer team. The proper training programming can improve the individual performance of each player and the collective performance of the team as a whole. In this article, we will explore some important aspects to consider when programming soccer training, including the phase of the season, age and the level of skill of the players, the variety in training, the specific objectives of the team and recovery.

Phase of the season

The football season can be divided into three phases Main: preseason, regular and postseason season. Each phase of the season requires a different approach to training.

In the preseason, the emphasis is on the construction of general physical aptitude and technique. The goal is to prepare players for the regular season, improving their physical condition and technical ability. Training are usually intense and focus on physical conditioning exercises, with the aim of improving the resistance, speed and agility of players. In addition, training can focus on individual technique, such as ball control, pass and shot.

In the regular season, the emphasis is transferred to strategy, tactics and teamwork. During the regular season, The training focuses on improving the cohesion of the team and the tactical understanding of the players. Coaches can work in the defensive and offensive organization, counterattack strategies and the efficacy in the ball plays. Training can also focus on improving the individual skill of players, such as the precision of the pass and the shot, and the ability to uncheck and mark the opponents.

In the postseason, the emphasis is on maintenance and recovery. The training is less intense and focus on physical and mental recovery after a long season. Players can work on stretching and low intensity exercises to help recover from injuries and prevent new injuries. In addition, coaches can work to improve the individual technique of players to maintain their skill level during the low season.

Age and skill level of players

The age and level of skill of the players should also be considered when programming soccer training. Younger and less experienced players need a more focused on technique and physical development, while the most experienced players need a more focused on strategy and tactics.

In the case of young players, coaches can focus on improving individual technique, such as ball control and shooting, as well as developing the resistance, speed and physical agility of players. It is also important to emphasize fun and game in training to maintain the interest of younger players.

For the most experienced players, training can focus on tactics and strategy. Coaches can work to improve the organization of the team, the ball plays and the tactical understanding of the players. In addition, training may include games simulation exercises to help players develop their understanding of the game and their ability to make quick and effective decisions in the field.

Variety in training

It is important to vary training to avoid boredom and muscle fatigue. The variety in training can include physical conditioning exercises, technical exercises, tactical exercises, games and simulations of parties. The variety in training can also help players develop complementary skills, such as the ability to control the ball with both legs or make precise passes with different techniques.

Specific Team Objectives

Each soccer team has specific objectives in mind, and training programming must be aligned with those objectives. For example, a team that struggles to avoid descent can focus on improving the defense and organization of the team, while a team fighting for the championship can focus on the offensive and counterattack strategy.

Training programming should also take into account the team's matches. For example, if a team has an important match against a nearby rival, it is possible that the coach wishes to focus training on specific strategies for that game. It is also important to plan recovery training after matches and trips.


Recovery is an important part of soccer training and should be included in training programming. Recovery may include stretching exercises, massages and physical therapy. In addition, it is important to schedule rest days so that players can recover and avoid injuries.


Proper soccer training programming is essential for team success. The phase of the season, the age and the level of skill of the players, the variety in training, the specific objectives of the team and recovery are all important aspects to consider when programming soccer training. By taking these factors into account and designing a well -structured and well -balanced training plan, coaches can improve the performance of their players and their team as a whole.

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