Management, work and Problem resolution with large groups of people is common for a coach. Knowing how to manage the different conflicts that may arise is one of the keys to having a healthy group and that it works like a perfectly oiled machine. That is why in today's blog we will understand the world of groups and the type of conflicts that revolve around them, this will make it easier for us to resolve conflicts within a team.

But… What is a sports team?

It can be taken into account as sports set to the set whose structure is formed by minimum 2 people and maximum 25 people who come together for the same purpose, which is usually a sporting activity, which is carried out under the control of a instructor.

This activity is characterized both by the particular efforts as by physical exertion sets that are aimed at achieving high personal and collective results. These are regulated by time, sex, age and rules; In addition, the purpose of the activity is to achieve high individual and collective results that do not have to contradict the general of the sports organization or the target society.

That said, there are several types of groups that we will find around a coach, these are:

  • The Staff.
  • The most influential players.
  • The oldest.
  • Introverted players (small groups).

Between groups and between people, as we mentioned earlier, there may be conflicts.

What are the most common conflicts we find in teams?

📌 Hierarchy conflicts coach - player or players, due to instruction not respected or misunderstood.

📌 Formal or informal communication, different points of view between teammates or player-coach, due to the form or context of the message.

📌 Competition between players and their performance due to conflicts between different levels and specific qualities.

📌 Cases of indiscipline, divergent thoughts, exaggerated excitability, passivity, different motivations, depression, affective disorders, hyperactivity, etc due to different states or psychological forms.

📌 Competition between them, disparate culture, hierarchy struggle, due to conflicts between clans.

📌 Training load, organization of sessions, results, lack of material, club management, etc., for sports reasons.

📌 Academic, economic, family, political, cultural, social conflicts, etc, for personal reasons.

📌 Mobbing introverted colleagues or for different status (Abuse of power or Harassment).

📌 Fans, club address, etc, by messages from abroad.

What really interests and matters is the way of dealing with conflicts, there are several and some are more effective than others.

Different ways of dealing with conflicts in football

By hierarchy

That is, when one of the two has a higher hierarchical position


When a third party with a higher hierarchical position acts as a judge and resolves the conflict.


Similar to litigation, but this time the "judge" or "referee" is decided by the parties involved.


In this case the third party will not resolve but will guide both parties towards the resolution of the conflict.


Like mediation, in this case without a third party, both parties will have to seek an agreement.


In this case, one of the parties prefers to give in or surrender without provoking conflict, which is why it is not an adequate method of resolving conflicts in practice either.

For the resolution of conflicts in a team, the source of the conflicts must be sought to avoid repeating them or as learning for future situations.

It is essential to use emotional intelligence. To find the source of the problem we are not going to accuse anyone.

Having already negotiated with those involved and assigned responsibilities, it is time to find out why the problem occurred and the real causes of it.

Conflicts can have different consequences for the players and the coach. The ones that we think need to be highlighted are:

  • Loss of hierarchy within the team.
  • Isolated players.
  • Contagious effect, through which more conflicts occur.
  • Drastic drops in performance.
  • Bad atmosphere in the team.
  • Demotivation.

At the end of every conflict we believe a summary is necessary, to get something clean, reflect and be able to get something positive that evokes a good feeling after said conflict. To do this, questions such as:

  • Did it be given with the source of the conflict?
  • Why did it originate?
  • How have we solved it?
  • How have the players reacted?
  • There has been some change?

In this way we will be able to maintain a healthy environment within our team, reinforcing it and allowing the players to develop and mix together, which will help us to make the "machine" work.

Conflicts are just one part of everything involved in managing a team or an individual, which is why training is important and if you're here it's because your future matters to you. Do you want to take another step towards the world of professionals? The Master in Sports Psychology It can be the key to your success.

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