PREVENTION of the most frequent INJURIES in FOOTBALL

Not long ago, in this News section we talked about plyometric training, which is training that requires great intensity and energy expenditure. That is why today we return to this section but to talk about the possible consequences that not stretching and/or not warming up correctly could bring us.

As you can already read in the title, today we talk about HOW TO PREVENT the most frequent INJURIES that our soccer players can suffer.


To begin with, we want to clarify where these muscles are located:

Ejercicios para fortalecer y estirar tus isquiotibiales -【Javier Guerra】

Hamstring injury is considered the most common muscle injury in soccer players: 12-33% of soccer players who have suffered injuries have been to these muscles. That is why from FutbolLab we want to help you to prevent and that your footballers do not suffer this injury.

An exercise recommended by our teacher Emil Romero is the following:


Without moving the lower body, we will have to bend down and pick up the medicine ball. For those who do this exercise at home, we can also do it with a bottle of water or similar. We will do this exercise in 4 sets of 8 repetitions.


The abductors are located on the inside of the leg. They join the pubic area with the knee:

This injury is one of the most recurrent in players who do not warm up or stretch before starting a training session or match and then make sudden and dry movements. Even if he does not recover after an abductor injury and continues to play and give of himself, it may be the case that the player may suffer pubalgia. It is a long injury and there are cases in which surgical intervention is needed.

In order to avoid injuries like this, we will do the following exercise:


Unlike the previous exercise, this time we will open the legs as seen in the video. We will grab the weight vertically. Again, we nail the lower body and squat down as if we were doing a squat. Will 4 sets of 8 reps.

This exercise is also useful to prevent KNEE injuries.


This injury is due to the same reasons as the abductor injury: sudden movements / getting stuck. Situations in which we make cuts, dry braking, powerful shots without heating, wear and overexertion...

Let's locate the quadriceps:

File:Gray430-es.svg - Wikimedia Commons

In the exercises that will show us Emily Romero, Besides working quadriceps we will also work abductors, hamstrings Yknees.

EXERCISE: With a ball, we cross our arms on our chest and (while standing) we will bend our knees 90 degrees, holding down for 2 seconds. Then we will climb with force but without hurting ourselves. We will do this exercise in 4 series of 10 repetitions.


Sprains, strains, breaks... It is another of the most common injuries in football, especially in forwards who face possible pushes, mowing and general contact with defenses.

Let's look at the ankle:


  • EXERCISE 1: With one leg, we will support ourselves on the surface that you can see in the video and we will try to stand up without falling, balancing with our arms and hands together. We will hold 15 seconds per repetition. We will do 4 sets of 10 reps.

  • EXERCISE 2: We will do exactly the same as the previous exercise but with a more stable surface and more support space. In addition, we will also work quadriceps and hamstrings.


To avoid injuries to the twins, normally caused by overloads, overexertion or very fast and sudden movements.

As always, we will first locate and analyze the twins:

El soleo: un músculo poco conocido de la pierna

EXERCISE:To carry out this exercise we will need a bench or a steps.

We stand on the bench or steps and we left inside only the tips of the feet. We will make an up and down movement. When we go up, we will make and maintain strength in the calves, focusing the exercise well in our mind. Will 4 sets of 15 repetitions.

Until here this news! Thank you very much for reading and watching the videos. From FutbolLab, we invite you to subscribe to our YouTube channel to be able to keep up to date with all our videos.

If you are interested in injury prevention, can check our Master in Physical Preparation making click HERE!

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