Part 2: Physical preparation in football What are the basic physical qualities?

Last week we talked about the physical training in sport by focusing on two basic physical qualities: Strength and endurance.

Let's recap:

Basic physical capacities depend fundamentally on energetic processes and are the physical capacities necessary to carry out physical activities.

The basic physical qualities are: strength, endurance, speed and flexibility. In this post we will talk about the two qualities that we were missing: The speed and flexibility. Let's find out what they are and what they are for...


Speed is influenced by biological development and growth, as well as highly influenced by the player's genetic potential. These are two characteristics of speed that are linked to nothing more and nothing less than the development of the nervous system and not to other functional aspects. Thanks to the great plasticity that the nervous system presents, speed training will benefit if we start working on it from the first year of children's soccer.

In children's football it is important to be able to provide the player with a wide range of exercises in his practice. It is also interesting to work on the different aspects of speed, combining them with specific movements performed by players in competition, as well as linking them to technical factors, since their learning is in its sensitive phase. This happens because the player has to constantly respond optimally to unexpected game situations. For example, when the player tries to drive the ball while avoiding rivals at a certain speed imposed by the situation.

For Weineck the goal of this ability in soccer is the development of a maximum displacement movement speed and its relationship with its gestural speed. We understand that the importance of generating fast movements with or without the ball is essential for the player to be able to execute technical gestures in a real game situation.


The maximum range of movement of our muscles is important, so if the body does not have a good length, this will have negative consequences on the performance that we want to achieve from our players. In this way, they will be more limited in many plays and a lack of flexibility and mobility can affect them at different times of the season, which are probably key for your team.

In addition, flexibility helps prevent future injuries, something essential, since if our players are injured, they will not be able to show improvement as soccer players or expose all their skills on the field of play. It is important to highlight from this point that if flexibility is worked on to prevent injuries, the effect is minimal, despite what is said colloquially. We also highlight the fact that there are more interesting options to prevent injuries than just stretching, such as stretching statically as well as dynamically.

In conclusion, when planning our team's training sessions and techniques-tactics, it is essential to work on these physical qualities thoroughly with our players if what we are looking for is for our team to perform as well as possible in the competition.

If you would like to delve into the subject, you cannot miss the opportunity to study our

Master in Professional Soccer

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