Offensive and balanced: exploring the 3-4-3 tactical system in modern football

Football is a sport that has evolved a lot over the years. One of the aspects that has changed more is the tactic used in the field. The coaches have experienced with different formations over the years, and one of the most popular formations today is the 3-4-3 tactical system. In this article, we will explore how this system works, the strengths and weaknesses it has and some notable equipment that has used it.

How the 3-4-3 tactical system works

The 3-4-3 tactical system is a formation that It is based on the idea that the team must have a lot of players in attack to generate goal options. In this system, the team has three defenders, four midfielders and three strikers.

The defenders

The three defenders in the 3-4-3 system are located in the center of the defense. The central defense is the most important player in this position, and has the responsibility of leading the defense. The other two defenders act as support for the central central defense, and usually have a more offensive role than central defenders in other tactical systems.

The midfielders

The four midfielders in the 3-4-3 system are divided into two central players and two band players. Central midfielders have the responsibility of controlling the center of the field and maintaining the possession of the ball. Band players, meanwhile, have the responsibility to create attack options and support defenders in the brand.


The three strikers in the 3-4-3 system are the most important element in the formation. LThe strikers are located in the team attack line, and they are usually the most dangerous players in terms of creating goal options. The central striker is the most important player in this position, and has the responsibility of leading the attack. The other two strikers act as support for the central striker, and usually have a more offensive role than the strikers in other tactical systems.

3-4-3 tactical system strengths

The 3-4-3 tactical system has several strengths that make it very popular among football coaches. Some of the most important strengths include:

  • A large number of players in attack: The 3-4-3 tactical system It has a large number of players in attack, which gives the team a large number of goal options. This means that the team can create many goal options in a short period of time, which can be very effective to change the result of the game.
  • Balance between defense and attack: Although the 3-4-3 system has a large number of players in attack, it also has a solid balance between defense and attack. The three defenders and the four midfielders are able to control the center of the field and maintain possession of the ball
  • Tactical flexibility: The 3-4-3 tactical system It is very flexible and allows the team to change its game approach depending on the needs of the game. For example, if the team needs to defend, you can easily change to a 5-4-1 system adding two more defenders and withdrawing one of the strikers. Or, if the team needs to score goals, you can change to a 4-3-3 system adding a midfielder and one more striker.

Tactical system weaknesses 3-4-3

While the 3-4-3 tactical system has several strengths, it also has some important weaknesses. Some of the most important weaknesses include:

  • Defensive vulnerability: The 3-4-3 tactical system has only three defenders, which means that it is more vulnerable to counterattacks and rapid attacks of the opposing team. If the opposite team has quick and skilled strikers, they can create goal opportunities with relative ease.
  • Striker dependence: The 3-4-3 system depends largely on the strikers to create goal opportunities. If the strikers are not fit or have a bad day, the team can have difficulty creating goal options.

Notable equipment that use the tactical system


The 3-4-3 tactical system is used by several notable equipment worldwide. Some of the most prominent teams that use this training include:

Chelsea FC

The Chelsea FC, under the direction of Antonio Conte, used the 3-4-3 tactical system on its way to the title of the Premier League in the 2016-17 season. The team used the system to create a solid balance between defense and attack, and to give its strikers the freedom to create goal opportunities.

FC Barcelona

FC Barcelona, ​​under the direction of Luis Enrique, used the 3-4-3 tactical system in the 2016-17 season. The team used the system to give its strikers more freedom in the attack, and to create a more solid defense in the center of the field.

Ajax Amsterdam

Ajax Amsterdam, under the direction of Erik Ten Hag, uses the 3-4-3 tactical system. The team uses the system to create a solid defense and to give its strikers the freedom to create goal opportunities. The equipment also uses the system to control the center of the field and maintain the possession of the ball.


The 3-4-3 tactical system is a popular soccer formation that It is based on the idea of ​​having a lot of players in attack to create goal options. While the system has several strengths, it also has some important weaknesses. The tactical flexibility of the system and its ability to balance defense and attack makes it very attractive to coaches.

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