Karim Benzema: complete analysis of his game at Real Madrid

Karim Benzema is a French soccer player who plays as a center forward at Real Madrid. He is one of his most successful strikers and has had a great career in national club football and selections. In this article, the Karim Benzema game, its strengths, weaknesses, skills and how it fits the tactical systems of the equipment will be analyzed.

Technical ability:

Benzema's technical ability is impressive, and this is reflected in his ability to haggle defenders and excellent ball control. He has a wide variety of tricks and movements to take advantage of his technical ability. In addition, his ball control ability also allows him to maintain the possession of the ball and play in high pressure situations.


Benzema's ability to score goals is one of his greatest strengths. He has scored more than 300 goals in his career, which makes him one of the most prolific strikers of world football. He is an instinctive scorer and can score from a variety of positions and angles. He also has a great ability to create goal opportunities for his teammates, thanks to his excellent vision and pass ability.

Tactical intelligence:

Benzema is a very intelligent and tactically cunning player. He knows when to make a pass, when to take a shot and when to run to space. It has a great understanding of the game and is able to adapt to different tactical systems and roles in the field. In addition, your ability to read the game allows you to anticipate the players of the opposite team and cut important passes.

Physical capacity:

Benzema is a strong and agile player, and this is reflected in his ability to maintain the possession of the ball in high pressure situations. He is also very fast and can run easily. In addition, his physical strength allows him to resist the pressure of the defenders and maintain possession of the ball.


Despite his skills, Benzema also has some weaknesses. In particular, he can sometimes be too individualistic and lose time opportunities. It can also take to heat in some games and seem disconnected from the game at key moments.

How it adapts to tactical systems:

Benzema is a very versatile player and can adapt to different tactical systems. In Real Madrid, he has played in a variety of positions, including the central front and the second tip. He has also played as the left and right. This is due to its ability to read the game and adapt to different situations in the field.

In the French team, Benzema has been used mainly as a central striker. This is due to his ability to score goals and his ability to create opportunities for his teammates. He has also stood out for his ability to help in defense and press the opposite defenders.


In general, Karim Benzema's game is impressive and makes it one of the most complete and successful strikers of today. His technical ability, termination, tactical intelligence and physical capacity are impressive and allow him to be an important force in the field. While it has some weaknesses, its ability to adapt to different tactical systems and situations in the field makes it a valuable player for any team.

In addition, Benzema has been an important figure in Real Madrid, winning multiple titles of the Spanish League League and the Spanish League. He has also been an outstanding member of the French team, helping the team to reach the final of the 2016 Eurocup.

However, Benzema's career has not been exempt from controversy. In 2015, he was accused of being an accomplice in blackmail to his selection partner Mathieu Valbuena, and was subsequently excluded from the national team. Although he has returned to the French team since then, the controversy has continued surrounding him.

In conclusion, Karim Benzema's game is impressive and makes it one of the most prominent strikers of his generation. His technical ability, termination capacity, tactical intelligence and physical capacity are impressive and makes it valuable for any team. While it has some weaknesses and has faced controversy outside the countryside, its success in the field speaks for itself. With his impressive career at Real Madrid and the French team, it is evident that Benzema is a world -class soccer player and an important force in the field.

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