Investment funds in football I

Although the great audience may seem novel, the phenomenon of Investment funds in the world of soccer It is already a lot of years operating. It was born in Latin America, mainly in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and Uruguay, although in the most rudimentary version in which the place of investment funds occupied it "companies" and has gone from being a growing phenomenon to become a real problem for FIFA, UEFA and the different national federations. These comply with concern as the control that national associations exercised in a well-known way in terms of transfers begins to be diluted and complicated by the emergence of new (financial) actors who claim protagonism and singing voice.

These investment funds are nothing other than Financial organizations That in one way or another they are linked to investment banks, normally and their objective is to obtain capital gains at the time of a player's transfer in which they have invested money in exchange for participation in the Redemptions of it. It is a risk business, of the future that does not always end well, so they take all the necessary "caution" to reduce those risks and that is where things start to make difficult, because each member of the chain defends his plot as a tummy cat up, usually at the expense of seeking the greatest capacity for influence and decision and from being in the "pole position"For when the expected time comes.

These funds are created to capture future figures in countries with football markets export and They seek to "protect, protect and" hold "players They go for cracks and clubs that can not pay for what they offer from Europe, for example. In a first stage the fund is well received because it injects the necessary paste so that the player calms down and lives well as he acquires prestige and notoriety and the club can have a draft figure that otherwise could not sustain or maintain. The problems usually reach when the long-awaited Millionaire transfer to Europe knocks on the door. Although everything is written, as it is a negotiation to several bands, each seeks to close the ember to the sardine of the interest of it with all kinds of maneuvers, pressures and influences.

The F.i.F.A and especially the u.e.a do not see with good eyes this type of practice because they understand that it takes financial control in the clubs and does not allow you to mark the management limits and levels of indebtedness that it estimates reasonable. The truth is that it does not lack reason. Among this and the clubs purchased and managed by magnates with fortunes of dubious or illicit origin have a task ahead and will not be easy for things as those international organizations want. Of course everything can be complicated much more if we notice aspects such as that we can add that, sometimes, the advisers and partners of the fund are superagentes from the players that this handles or exdirectors of large clubs with interests in all plots or that the aforementioned funds operate from tax havens or from the same City London, although sometimes it seems that there is not much difference ... if, it is to worry, because football needs transparency, exemplary, professionalism and preparation for the best and most effective management Possible and these operations extend shadows, doubts and mistrusts on the international football panorama.

Much even more if we have as it shows the Neymar case button, all against all of the court or we see Falcao in a difficult race to understand from the football point of view or if we check the kangaroo jumps in James's stratospheric race, etc., etc. Of course, to be objective, it is convenient not to forget that the AT. Madrid was able to enjoy the aforementioned Colombian striker and other players thanks to those funds or that there are teams in our league that are in first division thanks to those operations or that the great Portuguese football survive and make excellent businesses based on those practices for a long time . There are one who thinks they help balance the competition and to face the great ones, but it seems to me that the issue has more shadows than lights and consequences are usually devastating when past a while they are discovered.

The solution that funds have the capacity to decide only on the financial and not in sports is an illusion that I do not think it materializes. How and who are going to tell the managers of the investment fund that same if it is the one that puts the pasta, sometimes even pays the player, finances the club or gives the player on the duty, in an operation similar to what it would be A financial lease? As we know it, the subject is difficult to solve. It is a remedy for teams that do not have money, who are very indebted or want to earn money with "atypical" operations, something that they hardly get. The Great President of Real Madrid, Mr. Santiago Bernabeu said decades ago "if football was business banks would be in it many years ago." It is still like that, because this funds is not exactly "good" banking, if not investment banking and "very financial" and we all know where we have taken us that way of doing things. More austerity, more quarry, plus patience and professionalism, more training and rigor and we would avoid many of the funds, sure.

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