Interview with Jose Luis Martin Sáez

Today we introduce you to Jose Luis Martin Saezhe is a coach National Football – UEFA Pro with experience in all categories of grassroots football (men's and women's), he is also a football teacher giving lectures and courses for coaches on issues of Tactics, Technique and Methodology and book writer FOOTBALL ELITE, where you will find keys and new ideas that will help you, not only to improve your knowledge of football, but also to understand a Methodology and a way of living that will allow you to better train your footballers and yourselves.


⚽ How should we work training to increase the individual performance of the footballer?

Focusing all training with collective exercises based on the level of the players or depending on the time of the season, giving a more individual or collective approach.

Any action that a player performs has a 3-part process, the perception of the environment, the decision making, and finally the execution.

⚽ How to make a player anticipate game situations?

It consists of solving problems before they occur, both in place and in time. This is achieved by proposing many global exercises, many exercises in a real context, which allow the player to relive situations that may be found later in the match.

⚽ How do you work the game model, more macro or micro?

Starting with a warm-up, an activation game and from there doing 3 exercises from less to more, in terms of space and number of players.

⚽ Do you focus a lot on the rival, or do you work with your team and adapt possible situations?

Depending on the category you are in, a program is made to know the objectives that you want to meet during that training stage. The smaller the players, the more focus is given to that individual upgrade. As players get older, we focus more on collective performance.

⚽ What should a club do to improve its players in youth football?

The basis is to have a working model for all categories is essential, whether better or worse, but it is the main basis.

⚽ Do you think that even if the process of winning is only slow, it is more enriching?

I am a defender that the important thing is to comply with that training process, of daily, weekly work. Then the result will be a consequence. Also depending on the category, one thing or another will be given more priority.

⚽ What advice would you give to coaches who are just starting out in grassroots football to improve their careers?

Training is fundamental, master's degrees, courses... That they go to see training sessions, that they talk to coaches, since all the knowledge they can acquire is fundamental. Then try to order all that knowledge to create your own training method.

Thank you very much José Luis for your time and sharing your experiences with our team!

As José says, training is fundamental for every coach and at FutbolLab we offer you this possibility.

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