How to work depth in football?

In football, working on depth is one of the most important fundamentals in the offensive aspect. It is important to understand what it is and how to work with it in order to apply it correctly in each of the game situations that suit us. For this reason, at FutbolLab we bring you an exercise to work on depth in training.

Description of the exercise

Before starting the exercise, we will form two teams of 10 players. These players will carry out the exercise in a delimited area that will be the central part of the field and there will also be two spaces deep to look for the objective of the exercise.

Initially, during the exercise there will be no defined positions, but as we progress, we will establish positions and different roles for each of the players.

The exercise is in a match format and tries to ensure that the team that has the ball must try to score a goal in the scoring zone through breakouts between the rival defense. Meanwhile, the rival team must avoid these breaks and try to recover the ball in order to try to score in the opposite goal.

Exercise rules

This exercise has various rules and instructions that we must apply for its correct execution and they are the following.

  • You cannot enter the scoring zone defensively.

  • After the recovery of the ball, the objective of the exercise must be quickly sought where the players close to the scoring zone must look for the goal.

  • Constant mobility of all players.

  • Accumulate players in a sector to disproportionate distances and attack scoring spaces.

  • Break into space and take to the mark so that another partner occupies the space.

  • Structure compensated for a possible loss of the ball.

Objective of the exercise

In this exercise to work depth, the main objective will be to overcome the pressure and control the impact of transitions at the moment of losing the ball, in addition to learning the necessary keys such as: knowing how to perfectly perform arrivals at the rival goal by opposite corridor, to win the back of the rival, to take advantage of the penetration corridors and to know how to reach the area with a large number of players. All this, so that when the game comes we know how to carry out that depth.

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