How is your planning during the week?

One of the fundamental keys before starting a week of competition is to have a prior analysis of both the rival and the possible situations that may arise during the match, with the aim of putting these situations into practice and thus being able to approach the team to victory.

Through the analysis that we have mentioned before, the planning of the week will be different depending on whether the rival is superior to our team or we are superior to them.

If the rival is superior to us

If the rival is a team superior to ours, we must plan the week based on the behaviors that are most constant or that are most repeated in the rival players through the analysis of each of these players to know what their characteristics are. In addition, thanks to the deep analysis of the rival, we will discover what their strengths and weaknesses are, and from there we can prepare the planning for the week.

If we are superior to the rival

If we are superior to the rival team, instead of delving so deeply into the behaviors and characteristics of the rival players, we can focus on what aspects of our own we must do correctly. Although it is also true that it never hurts to have a minimum of information about the rival we are going to face.

How do we distribute this weekly planning?

We will distribute the planning during the week in three days. First on Mondays, later on Wednesdays and the last day we will work on this planning will be Fridays. On each of these days, we will work in a different way in which we will train all the necessary aspects to be the best prepared for the next match.


On Monday we work on smaller or sectoral aspects where we put into practice those moves that the rival can make with the aim of making our players experience certain specific situations that they will encounter throughout the match.

Some of the aspects that we will work on during this day are:

  • Works of the different lines of the team.
  • Jumps of a specific player.
  • Team regrouping.


During this day, we are going to work on more general situations that involve the entire structure of the team, where we, as coaches, will give instructions to the players so that they can simulate how the rival would act. The objective of this part of the planning is to create situations that are very close to those that we are likely to find during the game.


Finally, during this last day of the week, we will work on aspects more related to the completion, more specific situations than we can find in the game or situations of a more direct stimulation where the player will be more in contact with the ball.

Some of the aspects that we will work on during this day are:

  • Area occupation situations.
  • Set piece actions.

So, how should the planning be during the week when planning the match?

Initially, through the analysis of the rival and consequently discover what their strengths and weaknesses are, we will take advantage of all this information to plan our roadmap. This roadmap will be our definitive guide to be able to work on all the aspects that interest us on the various days of training, in order to arrive at the match as well prepared as possible.

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