How do you manage the break talks?

At the end of the first part of a game, the team goes to the locker room with the main objective of allowing the players to rest and catch their breath before the second part of the game begins.

In this rest time margin, out of a total of 15 minutes, is also aimed at making a brief talk that we nicknamed break talk.

This talk is used to comment on the various aspects of the match, trying to correct aspects that we have to improve, motivate the players, etc.

But, Do you know how to manage these break talks?

Management of break talks step by step

First of all, while all the players are entering the interior of the locker room, we must let each one of them relax, hydrate properly and also that they catch their breath for the great effort they made in the first part of the match.

Secondly, while each of the players finish hydrating, we as coaches together with our technical staff, must comment the points or aspects that we are doing correctly and also those who we should improve.

Next, depending on how the match has gone so far, we must share alternate plan and make the necessary changes, that is, what would be the tactical part.

And finally, having made and commented on each of the previous points, we must make a small motivational talk so that the players return to the field of play more motivated.

The sandwich technique in break talks

To make it easier to understand how we should manage the talks during the break in a correct way, we can apply the sandwich technique.

The sandwich technique refers to the technique that we must apply in these talks through three different layers or phases.

In the first phase, while the players hydrate and recover, we must do positive reinforcement. That is to say, make positive comments about what we have been doing well during the first part of the match.

In the second stage or the central phase, we must focus on the negative aspects. By this, we mean that we should comment in detail each the mistakes we've made throughout the first part of the match with the aim of trying to correct them and thus avoid these errors during the following forty-five minutes.

Finally, in the last phase, must give one last positive message so that the players return to the field of play with that last message in their minds and have the necessary motivation to go to win the game. Or if we're already winning, make sure we keep doing everything right to get even closer to victory.

The goals of the break talks

So far we have already understood the great importance of talks during the break. Obviously, these talks have a series of objectives and are next:

  • That the players recover so much physically What psychologically of the great effort made in the first part of the game.
  • Give instructions about how the match is going change the dynamic during the second part, if necessary.
  • Do reflect to the players about mistakes made to try to correct them during the second part.
  • Recover to the players in case the first part of the game has gone badly and psychologically they are sunk.
  • To motivate the players to return to the field of play, to be able to turn the game around.

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