How do you build trust in a field?

How do you build trust in a field?

As we already know, confidence is one of the most important aspects in football. The fact that the player has self-confidence will make it safer and more focused inside the field of play.

And for this reason, in this article we will show you how to build such a vital aspect as trust.

And how do we build trust?

To build that confidence in each of the players it is necessary practice in training the situations that our team will most likely experience on match day. This means that during training, we must take advantage of the opportunity for the whole team to simulate the situations that we are going to encounter on match day and if the players perform their functions correctly, they will gain the necessary confidence so that on match day they can perform again the same function in the best possible way.

The key points to build trust

To build trust in the group of players it is necessary to influence various key points and they are what we will show next:

Give positive reinforcements our players constantly during training.

Do simulations of possible situations that may happen in a match with the aim that the players learn to react to them and manage to assimilate them with as much detail as possible.

Make the players understand that failure or error is part of the path to success.

Correct to the players constructively.

Motivate players through motivational speeches.

The importance of building trust

All the points that we have seen before, help the players to gain confidence and build it in the team as a whole. But why is it so important to build that trust?

Building trust is fundamental because at the moment in which the player has to face a situation in which he is involved, said player will be Better prepared and you will be able to make decisions faster by making your chance of success in each of these actions is increased considerably.

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