Good Nutrition in Sport


Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet is essential for any lifestyle, but it is even more important when one is dedicated to sports, since nutrition is one of the various factors on which athletic performance depends.

The Olympic Games🥇 in Sydney in 2000 turned the discipline of sports nutrition into a key piece in sports training and performance.

The discipline of sports nutrition was born in the 1980s when its importance in sports performance was recognized. This relationship between nutrition and performance marked the diet of endurance athletes at the time. But it was from the 1990s, with the professionalization of training, that nutrition became an essential part of resistance training and conditioning programs and a key to recovery. It is since then that nutrition is considered part of the "invisible" training.

DEFINITION: Sports nutrition is the branch of human nutrition specialized in people who practice sports. Through proper nutrition improves the performance and recovery of our body. A training accompanied by adequate nutrition will achieve greater work intensities and duration of the same. In periods of rest we must adapt nutrition to favor super compensation and adaptation to sport. By providing the necessary nutrients, we maintain an optimal state of health, which is equal to performance and recovery.

For some years, it has evolved due to its great importance on the body and the impact it has on the physical performance of athletes. Good sports nutrition is essential if we do intense exercise on a regular basis.

Food supplements are of great help for athletes who maintain an adequate diet and do not cover all their needs. If we want to increase our muscles or simply exercise to get rid of stress and feel better, it is very important to maintain a complete and balanced diet, which provides the body with the necessary nutrients to face physical training.

Nutrition and sport always go together, since they are responsible for our muscular system to work properly. In addition to meeting the nutritional needs of athletes, sports nutrition also helps us stay in top shape by keeping our muscles strong, while preventing muscle and joint injuries.



Food should be rich in:

- Carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, which provide energy and vitality so that our muscles respond to exercise and do not tire so easily.

In a diet for athletes, quantities must also be taken into account, since for correct nutrition we must eat the right amount necessary for our sports day. If the intake is lower than necessary, we will feel greater fatigue and lower performance, on the other hand, if the intake is higher than necessary, we will feel heaviness and less energy.

Following a good diet is important to ensure that the body receives all the essential substances it needs to carry out its functions, especially when practicing sports and the wear and tear on the body is greater. All this has repercussions in practice, since if an inadequate diet is followed, a trained athlete may notice a drop in performance.

The best regimen

From Health They indicate that for a regimen to be considered balanced, it must provide enough energy and provide all the nutrients that the person needs, in the right amounts. The reason is that it must be adjusted depending on the intensity, schedule and number of sessions that we practice sports per week.

In general, athletes should:

  • Include fish, legumes, eggs and white meat in the diet more frequently than red meat.
  • Regarding the rhythm of meals, the Health recommendations are: eat between 4-5 meals throughout the day to better distribute the energy intake and arrive with less feeling of hunger or anxiety to the main meals. This will prevent meals from being too copious. One of the main errors in sports nutrition is the excessive consumption of proteins, based on foods of meat origin that are rich in fat, the high intake of these, especially saturated fatty acids and fast-absorbing carbohydrates. The trend of muscle nutrition, which results in the consumption of too many proteins, is based on the belief that a high-protein diet leads to muscle hypertrophy, that is, to a progressive increase in muscle. Another mistake in sports nutrition is inadequate energy intake, both by default, as is the case with insufficient diets, which are very common in mainly female sports such as rhythmic gymnastics, and by excess, which is very common in throwing or lifting sports. of weight such as weightlifting. *Taking more than 2.1 g of protein per Kg of weight per day is not necessary and does not present any benefit compared to diets with a lower protein content.*
  • Nutritional balance of minerals and vitamins 💊. From the point of view of physical capacity and sports performance, it is essential to maintain an adequate level of all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the proper functioning of the body. But routinely, "deficient levels of vitamins and minerals have been found to cause decreased athletic performance," he warns. Laura Esquius, Biologist, Dietitian and Nutritionist. "A varied and balanced diet provides us with the different minerals and vitamins that are important for the regulation of metabolism, even so an individualized assessment of each athlete would be necessary to determine any possible deficiency".
  • Ensure proper hydration 💧. As the specialist in sports nutrition warns, "dehydration in the athlete can reduce the aerobic energy obtained by the muscle, prevent a good cleaning of the lactic acid produced during exercise as well as reduce muscle strength".

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