Drill Football coach Completion on goal

This exercise for soccer coaches seeks to work on finishing on goal, taking into account the supports, and always the permanent help to the ball holder.

OBJECTIVES: Supports and finishing on goal.

DEFENSIVE: close passing lanes, harassment and entry.

OFFENSIVE: Permanent help to player with ball.


NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 6- 6 plus 2 goalkeepers and 3 offensive wildcards

MATERIAL: spades, breastplates, balls.

WEATHER: 15 minutes

RULES: You have to pass the ball through at least 3 areas of the central part, with the help of the inside wild card and the outside ones that serve as support. Players, if they change squares, the partner must occupy theirs. Free touches.

TASK DEVELOPMENT: The mobility of the players inside is sought to receive. The help of the inside joker seeks that there is no strict marking on the man since he can also comply with the rule and attack. Once you manage to go through at least 3 of the 4 sectors, you have to play with an outside joker and it becomes a 3-a-side situation against two waiting defenders. Players inside can change squares as long as their partner occupies theirs. If they recover from the inside, the team without the ball can attack directly playing with an outside joker and the same situation of 3 attackers against 2 defenders.

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