Discovering the different game models in football: from tiki-taka at high pressure

Football is a universal sport that is played worldwide and has millions of followers. However, not all teams play in the same way. There are several types of game model in football, each with its own characteristics and strategies. In this article, we will explore the different types of game model in football, how they work and what teams use them.

Direct game model

The direct game model is one of the older and used in football. The strategy is based on Send long balls from defense or midfield to the strikers, who try to win possession and score goals. This type of game model is based on the speed and physical strength, forks highly effective When used correctly. Some famous teams that use the direct game model are the Stoke City of the Premier League and Atlético de Madrid of the League.

Possession game model

The possession game model focuses on keeping the ball as much as possible. The teams that use this game model are looking for CControl the game, maintain possession of the ball and tire the opposite team. This is achieved through the mobility and rapid circulation of the ball, using Short and precise passes. The objective of this type of game model is wear away to the opposite team and Create spaces To penetrate your defense. Some famous teams that use this game model are the Barcelona of the League and Manchester City of the Premier League.

Counterattack game model

The counterattack game model is a defensive strategy what are you looking for Take advantage of the errors of the opposite team. The teams that use this game model They defend strongly in their own half of the court and then seek to quickly attack with long passes towards the strikers, who take advantage of numerical speed and superiority to score goals. This type of game model is very effective against teams that play with a lot of space in the field and leave many holes in their defense. Some famous teams that use this game model are Real Madrid of the League and Liverpool of the Premier League.

High pressure game model

The high pressure game model is based on recover the possession of the ball as quickly as possible and in the opposite field. The teams that use this game model press the opposite team from the first minute of the game, trying to recover the ball near the opposite goal. This strategy It requires great physical intensity and perfect coordination among players. Some famous teams that use this game model are the Borussia Dortmund of the Bundesliga and Manchester City of the Premier League.

Mixed game model

The mixed game model is a combination of different strategies, and can vary according to the circumstances of the game. The teams that use this game model are flexible and can adapt to different situations. You can use the possession game model to control the game, the model of direct game to attack quickly and the model of counterattack game to defend strongly. This type of game model is very effective When used correctly and can confuse the opposite team by not knowing what to expect. Some famous teams that use this game model are Bayern Munich of the Bundesliga and Tottenham of the Premier League.


In football, there is not a single strategy that works for all teams. Each team has their own strengths and weaknesses, and it is important to find a game model that is Adapt to your game style and players. The models of direct game, of possession, of counterattack, of high pressure and mixed They are just some of the game models that the equipment can use. Hills important is that the teams have a clear game plan and work together to achieve their goals. With the right strategy, any team can succeed in the football field.

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