Coaching tip: Always prioritize your team

At FutbolLab we cannot fail to emphasize the importance of the role of the coach within a team and, of course, the need for continuous training to obtain the highest level of their players.

We bring you the last tip in our “Tips for Coaches” series to talk about analysis and what to prioritize when analyzing the opposing team and your own team.

What should you prioritize in terms of analysis aspects? Either from the team itself or from the opponent.

From FutbolLab we defend that we must analyze our team more than the opposing team, since we play against the opposing team twice a year and our team has 38 days training plus all the preseason sessions. Therefore, the more time we have our team under analysis, the better we will detect the small details that can be crucial at the moment of truth and thus we will be able to perfect the technique and tactics, as well as other aspects of our players.

Within this analysis and observation of our team we can see which are the situations that give added value in terms of the sporting performance of the group or in terms of the performance of our players and thus focus the training in one way or another depending on the points we need. to perfect.

We have to prioritize the analysis situations of our own team and mark a percentage of time of the weekly tasks to find out what our opponent stands out in, in order to counteract this work, minimizing it and obtaining a great advantage over them.

It will always be easier for us to improve our team and our players individually, and dedicate 15% or 25% of the tasks that we will work on to focus on this analysis that we have done for the good of the team.

This may seem very complicated, it is less so when in the game we can distinguish what makes the opponent reach our goal efficiently, or what is important that the opponent does to minimize our attacks, or what is important know about the actions that the opposing players usually perform.

It is evident that in this sense the training of the coach is vital and VERY IMPORTANT. And obviously, good coaches know how to perceive these actions and give us the Antidote so that they are not generated or generated by us. That is the good and valued professional in coaches and professional scouts in football. For this reason, at FutbolLab we want to help you with a high-level training plan through which you can obtain that level, and obviously with the use of the latest technology applied to sport.

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