
Efficient administration in sports entities

He Success and sustainability On a club or sports team, they depend largely on a good administration. From the strategy to the management of finance and human resources, is fundamental adequately address them different aspects of one Sports entity.

Tips for recruiting the best soccer players

These are the tips To capture the top players of soccer. It is recommended identify the necessary skills for the equipment, use social networks, participate In tournaments and sporting events, offer training and development, and create a culture of Positive equipment. This will attract the right players and form a team solid and successful.

The role of the coordinator in sports management: key to success in football

The coordinator of a football team is responsible for coordinate and supervise All activities related to the equipment, including the season planning, the coordination of training and parties, the management of logistics, the communication With players, injury management, discipline management, Relationship development With other equipment and leagues, budget management and REPRESENTATION of the team in events and competitions.

How do you build trust in a field?

Confidence on the field is a differential point between one player and another. Therefore, for a player to have self-confidence, we as coaches must build confidence on the pitch. Do you want to know how? Discover it here.