Advances in goalkeeper training in football

He training of goalkeepers in the soccer It has evolved a lot in recent years. Formerly, the goalkeepers were Trained mainly in skills physical such as strength, agility and speed, but now much more lends itself attention to technical and tactical skills.

One of the trends most important in training goalkeepers is the teaching of technical skills sophisticated. The goalkeepers Modern must be able to make plays with the feet, such as short and long passes, and to move fluently in the field. This It allows be more active in the game and help their teams to start the plays Offensive.

Other trend important is the emphasis on the mentality and psychology of the goalie. The goalkeepers They must be confident and have a mindset Strong to be able to endure the pressure and responsibility of being the last defense of your equipment. The Trainers They are developing programs for training that help goalkeepers to improve your mentality and to be more resistant Psychologically.

Besides, the technology eis playing an important role in the way goalkeepers They are trained. High speed cameras are being used and systems of analysis to help coaches a Identify the strengths and weaknesses of each goalkeeper and develop training programs Personalized.

In conclusion, the trend in training goalkeepers In football he is focusing on improve technical skills, strengthen mentality and use the technology To customize training. This approach It will help the goalkeeper to be more effective in the field and improve their performances.

If you want to be a specialist in this subject, we offer you a completely online course and with a university certificate.

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