3 bases of a good training

Whether you've been training people for a while or you're just starting out, you may miss certain details, and many times, those details are what make the difference between success and failure. We want to highlight several key points to take into account when training and planning training in order to get the most out of our players and/or students.

So let's get into the matter and see what can really make this difference and what we have to pay attention to when doing the training.

First of all, we must understand that there are a series of training principles that favor its methodology, planning, organization and control. We must understand the phases that we have to carry out to reach the objective set with each person, since skipping these can harm us. Remember, -"A long way, short step".

So where do we start?

We cannot make a stew without a good knife, if our knife (body) is not in good condition instead of a stew we will make a mess.

First of all, we must prepare the body, bring it to tone, strength and resistance, giving us the result of having a solid base to be able to start outlining the condition of the student and/or player towards where we want, specifying the exercises and prioritizing the areas that are want to develop more.

First: Understand and prepare the physical body

To obtain a good base, we recommend taking into account graphs of the style:

They represent the adaptation syndrome, which was investigated by Hans Selie.

In short, he concluded that training is a kind of shock to the body which alters it, the body is overstimulated in the form of overcompensation, if we take advantage of this state we can increase resistance, speed, strength, elasticity, etc., all this will depend on the objective set.

Second: Customize

We are all different, this is an irrefutable fact, so you have to be very careful and know the person and their goals before doing any type of routine. We cannot apply the same rules to different players. The correct thing will be to design a specific and PERSONALIZED routine for each of the people we are training.

Third: Motivate and continue

Sometimes it is difficult to find and maintain the motivation to train constantly, we understand that. If for X reason we notice demotivation in our player and we cannot keep him constant, it is important to allow him to stop training, and as he resumes the exercise, motivate him so that this does not happen again, and continue from the point where he is currently, that is, starting the adaptation process again that we talked about earlier.

Regarding physical condition, experts comment that between the first 15 and 21 days after stopping training is when most of the physical condition is lost, but remember the first point, it is important to take advantage of the period of overcompensation.

Following these three tips we are sure that you will notice a change in the performance of your players, many of our students have already been able to verify it, who have achieved their goals and much more thanks to the Master in physical preparation and injury prevention in which you will discover more about how the human body works and you will be able to get the most out of planning your workouts.

Never forget, each person is different and each body requires a professional plan tailored to their needs.

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