10 key responsibilities of the director of Football Cantera

He Cantera director of football is a figure clue In the success of a football club, since he is responsible for the development and growth of the players team young people.

Now they present 10 key responsibilities that every copyrier must comply to guarantee the success of the club.

Talent identification

The The main task of the quarry director is to identify and evaluate young talent talentsl in its area. Must be aware of events and competitions Base soccer for find the best players. To do this, you can work in collaboration with the quarry coaches, the eyelets and the representatives of players.

Development of training programs

He Cantera directorYou must develop and supervise training programs for players young people from the club, making sure that these programs are Designed for help To the players to reach its maximum potential. Training programs must be suitable for each age group and skill level, and should include a variety of exercises to improve technique, physical condition and tactics.

Trainers team supervision

He Cantera director must supervise the team of trainers of the club's quarry and make sure they are providing high quality training To young players. Has to Establish a common training methodology For the entire coaches team, to guarantee that players receive coherent and high quality training.

Communication with the main team

He Cantera Director must be in constant communication with the club's main team to discuss the progress and potential of young players. This includes Inform the main coach about players who are ready to be promoted to the main team, as well as Provide updates on progress of young players.

Players evaluation

He Cantera director must regularly evaluate young players of the club for determine your progress and potential. This may imply regular tests and evaluations to measure skill and performance of the players.

Racing planning

He Cantera Director must work with each young player to develop a personalized career plan that takes into account their strengths and weaknesses. This includes Establish short and long term objectives For the player, as well as provide adviceabout the steps that must be taken to achieve these objectives.


He Cantera Director must ensure that young players who have been promoted to the main team are well integrated in the group and receive the necessary support to succeed. This may imply Assignment of a mentor or support coach for the player, as well as Provide advice and guidance on the adjustment to the life of the main team.

Club representation in events and competitions

He Cantera Director must represent the club in events and competitions Base soccer, making sure that the club is well represented and has a good presence in the football community. This may include Attend youth soccer games and tournaments, Talk to parents and coaches of other clubs, and Attend fund collection events For the club.

Budget management

He Cantera Director must be responsible for the management of the quarry budget of the club. This includes make sure resources are available to develop and maintain training programs high quality, as well as for cover travel and competition expenses.

Development of relationships with other clubs

He Cantera director must develop solid relationships with other football clubs, both a local and international level. This can Provide opportunities for the transfer of players and for the collaboration in training and development programs.

In summary, The director of Football Cantera is responsible for identifying, developing and promoting players Young people for club success. To do this, You must comply with a variety of key responsibilities, from the talent identification and the Development of training programs, to the Budget management and the Club representation in events and competitions. In doing so, it can help guarantee a prosperous future for the club and for football in general.

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