Course List

Master in Technology, Big Data and Use of GPS in Sports (Florida Global University)

Master in Technology, Big Data and Use of GPS in Sports (Florida Global University)

Online Master in Technology and Big Data in Sports endorsed by Florida Global University, this master's degree has the great objective of training professionals in big data for sports, optimizing the use of technology to achieve improved performance of athletes and entities through of data analysis and the use of applications for the optimization of sports. A completely online master's degree with great added value in a growing area with great work expectations.

Master in Legal Advice for Sports Entities (Florida Global University)

Master in Legal Advice for Sports Entities (Florida Global University)

In the Online Master in Legal Advice for Sports Entities endorsed by Florida Global University we seek to meet an urgent need that the world of sports has for people specialized in legal advice for sports entities, people with the capabilities that sports clubs need in terms of comply with current legislation. A professional, practical and completely online master's degree in which you end up being a specialist in sports law.

Master in High Performance in Sports (Florida Global University)

Master in High Performance in Sports (Florida Global University)

In the Online Master of High Performance in Sports endorsed by Florida Global University we seek to train high-level professionals for professional sports, people with a high level of knowledge and abilities to work in professional teams, seeking to be an ideal complement to sports studies with a clear differentiating value aimed at the high level. An online master's degree in which it seeks to provide high added value to students with a clear professional profile

Sports Sponsorship Expert (Florida Global University)

Sports Sponsorship Expert (Florida Global University)

With the Expert Online Course in Sports Sponsorship endorsed by Florida Global University, you will be a professional with the knowledge and skills in sports sponsorship, both for professional level entities and other levels, seeking to specialize students in sports sponsorship so that they have the level to make this area an added value for professionals and sports clubs.

Soccer Task Creation Technician (Florida Global University)

Soccer Task Creation Technician (Florida Global University)

In the Online Technician course in the creation of tasks in football teams we will give you all the tools so that you know how to plan football seasons, as well as create tasks aimed at the training stage that you are training, prioritizing the contents and evaluation of those contents, achieving Improve the performance of your footballers in a programmed and planned way.

Soccer Scouter Technician (Florida Global University)

Soccer Scouter Technician (Florida Global University)

With the course you will know how to analyze players and teams, and you will apply management and direction knowledge to manage football schools and team quarries.

Grassroots Soccer Expert (Florida Global University)

Grassroots Soccer Expert (Florida Global University)

In this course you will train as a grassroots soccer coach and apply methodologies based on the real game in the different categories, from juveniles to youth.

Expert in Football Fundamentals (Florida Global University)

Expert in Football Fundamentals (Florida Global University)

In the Expert Online Course in Football Fundamentals you will become a specialist in the individual fundamentals by positions in football, that is, knowing what a player should do in each of the positions and from there how to work on those characteristics, an online course of maximum success aimed at coaches who see it as totally important that their players master what they should do in their position.