Official Degree of Higher Degree in Soccer

Duration: 600H + 190H real months Open Squares Degree: Official

You will have the opportunity to act, voluntarily, his internships in different clubs in Barcelona.



You can pay with a single payment or in terms of 3, 6 or 12 months!

Título Oficial:


In collaboration with:

Asociación europea de jugadores



The presidential degree of sports technician in football, level 3 , is an official academic degree approved and regulated by Royal Decree 320/2000, of March 3 and, Royal Decree 1913/1997, of December 19. Corresponds to the first and only level to obtain the degree of higher degree of sports technician in football. These teachings have been configured in order to provide students with sufficient knowledge to allow them to exercise their duties competently. In accordance with this generic objective, the emphasis is placed on achieving a complete formation, with a balance between its theoretical and practical nature, so that the training process is linked to the scientific-technical and social reality of football.

Professional profile

Professional Profile Definition

The degree of higher level of sports technician in football proves that its holder has the necessary skills to plan and direct the training of athletes and soccer teams, direct their participation in media and high level competitions, as well as direct football schools .

Professional outings

After obtaining the higher degree, the senior sports technician in football may accredit the acquisition of knowledge and professional skills sufficient to assume their responsibilities autonomously or within a public body or private company. It will exercise its activity in the field of education and training of soccer players and the management of high-level athletes and teams In the area of sports management, providing its services in the direction of soccer departments, sections or schools. The different types of entities or companies where they can perform their functions are:

  • High performance sports centers
  • Sports Technification Centers
  • Soccer schools
  • Sports clubs and associations
  • Federations
  • Sports patrons
  • Sports services companies
  • Training centers for football sports technicians



Number of teaching hours: 830 hours

Common Specific Complementary Practices Draft TOTAL
155 370 75 200 75 830

Common Block

  • Sports biomechanics
  • High performance sports training
  • Effort physiology
  • Sport management
  • Psychology of high sports performance
  • Sociology of high performance sport
  • Specific block

Specific Block

  • Professional Development III
  • Team Management III
  • Methodology of teaching and training football III
  • Physical Preparation III
  • Game rules III
  • Sports Safety III
  • Tactic and game systems III
  • Individual and collective technique III
  • Complementary block

Complementary Block

  • Computing III
  • English III
  • Sport for the disabled III
  • Practical training block

Practices block

  • Professional practices III

Final project



  • Plan and direct the training of soccer players
  • Schedule and direct the participation of football teams in medium and high level competitions.
  • Direct a department, section or soccer school.

Professional skills

  • Carry out the specific programming and operational programming of the medium and long-term training with a view to high competition.
  • Direct technical and tactical training with a view to high competition.
  • Direct the physical conditioning of soccer players based on sports performance.
  • Perform the tactical approach applicable to the competition, depending on the high sports performance.
  • Direct the athlete or team in their technical and tactical performance during the competition.
  • Evaluate the performance of the athlete or team after the competition
  • Assess the performance of athletes or teams in collaboration with sports science specialists.
  • Schedule soccer teaching.
  • Schedule the realization of the sports activity linked to the development of football.
  • Plan and coordinate the activity of other sports technicians.
  • Ensure the safety of technicians who depend on it.
  • Perform the economic and administrative management of a small or medium business.
  • Collaborate in the design, planning and technical direction of football competitions.
  • Adapt to the technological, organizational, economic and social changes that affect professional activity.


General data:

  • Description: Through this service you can request the approval or validation of non-university degrees obtained abroad.
  • Recipients: Non-university graduates who have completed their studies abroad.
  • Requirements: All documents that are contributed to this procedure must be official and issued by the competent authorities for it, in accordance with the legal system of the country in question.
  • Submission term : Submission period permanently open
  • How to do it: The service is accessed for downloading, printing and completing the document for later presentation in a public registry.


More information about this procedure or service:


This training program will be carried out taking into account the following points:

Virtual Classroom: The courses are taught entirely in online mode. They are made through our virtual campus that is accessed from the front page of our website, , through the Virtual Classroom Access button . From there you can enter topics, explanatory presentations, demonstration videos, teacher analysis, tasks that are sent to you and corrected by the teachers.

Tutors: Teachers offer continuous tutoring, establishing telephone and / or videoconferencing tutorials explaining the doubts that arise. They guide your formative evolution throughout the course, depending on your profile and level of dedication or study schedule. As we have indicated, the syllabus, videos, articles, interviews with experts ... are part of your evolution in the course, so you will perform periodic exercises that the teacher corrects to give you the clearest idea of the topic being working.

Evaluation: At the end of the course you will carry out a final project that will encompass all the areas studied and that will always involve the development of a real case, since from FutbolLab we want our courses at all times to be directed to the real training situation found in the technicians in their teams.

Enrollment process: To enroll you just have to click on the Enroll tab, from there you will be asked to enter your personal data necessary for the academic record and in the final part of the process you can choose the payment format of this program.


Remember that in this course you can go at your own pace and do it according to your availability, as long as you do not exceed the maximum time to do it, which in the case of masters is 2 and a half years, 18 months for Expert or Technical courses and 7 months for courses that are not of these categories.


It is ample time to complete, if you still need more time, you must request authorization from the admissions department to extend a time, in case you get a positive response the new agreed time will be automatically extended.


You can contact us via email at , by phone at 34 93438 6000.


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