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With this online course of Baseball Monitor, we will work the last trendsthat are taking in the Spanish football, and how good results they are giving in the soccer learning, technification and trainingin real game situations, optimizing that knowledge with the teaching techniques most appropriate to each formative stage in the natural learning of football.
It is a course that will give you knowledge to efficiently manage trainingand make your players learn to understand the game optimallyand all corroborated, since they are the methodologies that are being used in Spanish football.
Special mention will be made in the training task planning, content prioritization and sequencing.
Being vital the more efficient soccer teaching stylesso that the player whatever his position understands the essence.
The different ones will work more effective training methodologiesThey are taking in Spain.
In short, a course that will give you a great added value.
A.1 Training objectives.
- Apply the principles of teaching to the teaching-learning process of football.
- Employ a methodological progression in the teaching of football technique and tactics.
- Determine the technical and tactical contents of the football initiation stages and the acquisition of the fundamentals of the technique.
- Characterize the different teaching methods and styles applicable in the initiation and acquisition phases of the fundamentals of the technique.
- Use the different means, resources and aids for the teaching of football technique and its application in the initiation and acquisition phases of the fundamentals of the technique.
- Identify the defects of technical execution, determine causes and apply the methods and means for their correction.
- Define the criteria to evaluate the progression in learning the technique.
A.2 Contents.
- The learning process of football technical gestures.
- Principles of teaching and its application to the teaching of football.
- Stages in the teaching of football technique. The methodological progression.
- Contents of the stages of sports initiation and acquisition of the fundamentals of the technique.
- Teaching units
- Definition of objectives in the teaching of football in the phases of sports initiation and acquisition of the fundamentals of the technique.
- Teaching methods and styles applicable to football in the phases of sports initiation and acquisition of the fundamentals of the technique.
- Means, grants and resources for teaching football.
- The explanation and demonstration of the technical gesture.
- The execution of the technical gesture by the student.
- The correction of the defects of execution of the technical gesture.
- Criteria for the evaluation of the learning process.
- The motivation for sports and factors that affect the learning process of football.
A.3 Evaluation criteria.
In some practical cases of developing a teaching session of a particular technical gesture of football, in the initiation stage with students under ten years of age and in the stage of acquiring the fundamentals of the technique with students aged between eleven and the thirteen years:
- Explain the technical characteristics of the gesture.
- Employ a teaching style and justify its use.
- Apply a method of teaching technical gesture and justify its use.
- Execute the sequence of the most appropriate exercises for learning.
- Explain and characterize the most frequent execution errors.
- Detect the errors of execution of the practitioners and use the exercises for the correction.
- Use at least three pedagogical aids and justify their use.
- Determine the parameters that must be taken into account to assess student learning.
- Determine the parameters that must be taken into account to evaluate the development of the teaching session.
- Self-assess the coach's performance.
- Define the measures to be taken to ensure the safety of the group.
- Explain the application of the principles of didactics to the teaching of football technique.
- Determine the different teaching styles applicable to teaching football, based on the characteristics of the group.
- For the stages of initiation and acquisition of the fundamentals of the football technique.
- Define the terminal objectives of teaching.
- Determine the technical contents of the stages.
- Specify the different teaching methodologies of technical content.
- Define the methodological progression for the teaching of football technique, based on students of different ages.
- See the latest trends in training in Spanish football, both at the level of formative football and high-level football.
- See how the main clubs in Spain work in relation to the training methodology.
- Treat the most appropriate teaching styles for teaching football at different ages and levels.
- Plan, sequence and prioritize content in training tasks.
- Give the student tools so that he can get a learning football efficiently.
This course will be COMPLETELY ONLINEand of immediate beginning. The duration will be of 4 monthssince the registration validation.
From the moment you enroll you will have access to the contents.
The price is 697 euros (Now only for 247 euros), what includes:
- Access to the agendas.
- Demonstration Videos.
- Explanatory Videos of Teachers.
- Articles.
- Follow-up exercises
- Final Course Project.
- Final Teacher Evaluation.
The student can go at their own pace, depending on their level of achievement and the maximum duration will depend on the time spent on the course, the maximum period being 4 months.
The issuance of the Diploma Certificate will cost 29 euros, at the end of the course the student will request certification if it is of interest.
This training program will be carried out taking into account the following points:
Virtual classroom:The courses are taught entirely in online mode. They are made through our virtual campus that is accessed from the front page of our website,, through the buttonAccess to the Virtual Classroom. From there you can enter topics, explanatory presentations, demonstration videos, teacher analysis, tasks that are sent and corrected by teachers.
Tutors:The teachers offer continuous tutoring, establishing telephone tutorials and / or videoconferencing explaining the doubts that arise. They guide your formative evolution throughout the course, depending on your profile and level of dedication or study schedule. As we have indicated, the syllabus, videos, articles, interviews with experts ... are part of your evolution in the course, so you will perform periodic exercises that the teacher corrects to give you the clearest idea of the topic being working.
Evaluation:At the end of the course you will carry out a final project that will encompass all the areas studied and that will always involve the development of a real case, since from FutbolLab we want our courses at all times to be directed to the real training situation that technicians find in their teams.
Enrollment process:To enroll you just have to click on the Enroll tab, from there you will be asked to enter your personal data necessary for the academic record and in the final part of the process you can choose the payment format of this program.
Remember that in this course you can go at your own pace and do it according to your availability, as long as you do not exceed the maximum time to do it, which in the case of the masters is 2 and a half years, 18 months for Expert or Technical courses and 7 months for courses that are not of these categories.
It is plenty of time to complete, if you still need more time, you must request authorization from the admissions department to extend a time, in case you get a positive response the new agreed time will be automatically extended.
You can contact us via mail to, by phone at 34 93438 6000.
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