You will have the opportunity to act, voluntarily, his internships in different clubs in Barcelona.
In collaboration with:

Our Master in Physical Preparation and Injury Prevention, is one of the best on the market, and they have a series of objectives that seek to balance, enhance and deepen knowledge in specific aspects of football.
Currently, sport is one of the areas most requested and used by multiple people, in fact, 70% of Spaniards practice some type of sport. In this way, it has become a great area to perform as a professional, either from the point of view of a coach or a player.
Football has a wide work space in Spain, and only the best can be part of it. For this reason, if you decide to enter this world, you must train with solid knowledge that complements your professional profile, in order to be selected. Great competition also emanates from its breadth, as more and more people are interested in this field.
In our Master in Physical Preparation, you will be able to be one step ahead of your competitors, and as mentioned above, you will obtain knowledge regarding different items. In addition, another advantage that it includes is that it is endorsed by the FutbolLab, which gives it the quality of being highly prestigious and recognized by multiple institutions.
With our Master in Physical Preparation and Injury Prevention, You will learn the basic concepts and you will be able to become a professional capable of devising strategies and increasing sports performance.
The physical preparation of an athlete does not depend only on their strength, endurance and speed, on the contrary, it is also about obtaining tactical, psychological and theoretical knowledge.
We try that the athlete or the coach acquires the ability to develop their qualities to the maximum, to achieve greater performance on the court. In our Master in Physical Preparation and Injury Prevention, we give you answers to the following questions:
· What is the reality of training in football today?
· Is separate and decontextualized training of the physical, technical, tactical and psychological components more effective?
· How are strength, endurance and speed defined in football?
1. Introduction. Philosophy of training, competition, the human being, etc. (3 ECTS credits)
- I. Evolution of training methodologies over the last decades.
- II. New trends in soccer training.
- III. Tactical Periodization. Brief ideas.
- IV. Systemic methodology of the "New Model" training.
- V. What is the state of form? New concept of fitness.
- SAW. Is there physical preparation?
2. Description of the environment (3 ECTS credits)
- I. General description.
- to. Club description.
- b. Historical.
- c. Club structure.
- d. Installations.
- and. Material available.
- F. Cooperation possibilities for different analyzes.
- g. Technical team.
- h. Template (Sports CV of the players).
- i. Players' individual performance profile (explanation of Seirul.lo structures).
- j. Group performance profile of players.
- k. Players' collective performance profile.
- II. Formulation of objectives. SWOT-CAME technique.
3. Endurance training in team sports (6 ECTS credits)
- Introduction.
- II. Current status of resistance training.
- III. Proposal for resistance training in group sports.
- to. General aerobic endurance training.
- Aerobic efficiency training.
- Aerobic capacity training.
- Power training.
- Endurance recovery training.
- Summary of general resistance training.
- b. Specific resistance training.
- Resistance training in technique.
- Resistance training in technique: medium intensity.
- Resistance training in technique: maximum intensity
- Resistance training in technique: supramaximal intensity.
- c. Resistance training as decision making.
- d. Play resistance training.
- to. General aerobic endurance training.
4. Strength training in team sports. (9 ECTS credits)
- I. Concept of force.
- II. "Everything is strength." Strength as a basic physical ability.
- III. Strength training for performance enhancement.
5. Speed training in team sports. (3 ECTS credits)
- I. Speed in soccer.
- II. New way of understanding speed. Optimal speed?
6. Planning and Periodization (6 ECTS credits)
- I. Competition calendar.
- II. Planning, periodization, sports training, etc.
- III. Load.
- IV. General adaptation syndrome.
- V. Control of training and load.
- SAW. Planning model - periodization.
- VII. The preseason.
- VIII. The season.
- IX. Fatigue.
- X. Recovery methods.
- XI. Poor training management.
- to. Overtraining and its types.
- b. Tapering and its applicability in soccer teams.
7. The invisible training (3 ECTS credits)
- I. Nutrition.
- II. Hydration.
- III. The hours of sleep.
8. The weekly structure (6 ECTS credits)
- Introduction.
- II. The game model in the training process.
- III. The morphocycle pattern or design of the weekly training cycles.
- IV. Microstructures: Seirul.lo.
9. The training session (3 ECTS credits)
- I. The organization.
- II. The role of the physical coach or "soccer coach".
- III. The training time.
- IV. The warm-up.
- V. The main part.
- SAW. The return to calm.
- VII. The review of the session.
- VIII. Strategies to follow on the training day.
10. Final evaluation. Final project. (12 ECTS credits)
When it comes to studying in our Master in Physical Preparation and Injury Prevention in football, we want that through our program certain objectives are met, so that our students obtain the most effective and accurate knowledge about the area.
· Improve decision-making regarding football.
· Specialization in general and specific knowledge of soccer.
· Tactical periodization of Professor Paco Seirul at FC Barcelona.
· Know the bases and measures to take into account in football.
· Explore the knowledge, tools, means that must be used in a match.
· Learn training techniques, which are currently trending.
· Be able to determine harmful behaviors that can cause injury. (Prevention).
In addition, the professional graduated from our programs will be fully capable of carrying out strategies in terms of general and specific preparation. In this way, enhancing the mechanisms to increase flexibility, strength and resistance in the athlete, increasing the good performance of their organs to increase their skills in the game. (Being able to apply these exercises to the season and the preseason).
This training program will be carried out taking into account the following points:
Virtual classroom: The courses are taught entirely online. They are carried out through our virtual campus which is accessed from the front page of our website,, through the button Access to the Virtual Classroom. From there you will be able to enter syllabi, explanatory presentations, demonstrative videos, analysis of the teachers, tasks that the teachers send and correct.
Tutors: The teachers offer continuous tutoring, establishing tutorials over the phone and/or by videoconference, explaining the doubts that may arise, and will guide your training evolution throughout the course, depending on your profile and level of dedication or study schedule. As we have indicated, the syllabus, videos, articles, interviews with experts are part of your evolution in the course, so you will carry out periodic exercises that the teacher corrects to give you the clearest idea of the topic that is being working.
Evaluation: At the end of the course you will carry out a final project that will encompass all the areas studied and that will always involve the development of a real case, since from FutbolLab we want our courses at all times to be directed to the real training situation that the technicians are in their teams.
Enrollment process: To enroll, you just have to click on the Enroll tab, from there it will ask you to enter your personal data necessary for the academic record and in the final part of the process you will be able to choose the payment format for this program.
Remind you that in this course you can go at your own pace and do it according to your availability, as long as you do not exceed the maximum time to do it, which in the case of master's degrees is 2 and a half years, 18 months for Expert or Technical courses and 7 months for courses that are not in these categories.
It is plenty of time to do it, if you still need more time, you must request authorization from the admissions department to extend a time, in the event that you get a positive response, the new agreed time will be automatically extended.
You can contact us via email at, by phone at +34 93 438 6000.
If you prefer direct communication via WhatsApp, Click here
This master's degree is issued by the FUTBOLLAB and has 60 ECTS credits (1500 Teaching hours).
Do you have any doubt? You can check our section frequent questions, download the Course program or fill out the following form and we will contact you.